Strange night...

May 12, 2006 11:35

The other night I had a very strange thing happen.

When I went to sleep, I did what I always do: I removed my glasses, put them on my bedside table (ok, shelf), and turned out the light. I was tired so I actually fell asleep almost immediately.

Throughout the rest of the night I kept having dreams that I was attempting to sleep but I couldn't because I still had my glasses on. Every time I moved my head to the side they dug into the side of my face, making it impossible to get comfortable. This happened for most of the night. And it wasn't that I was just dreaming about this particular circumstance, it was more something that would randomly happen in whatever dream I was having at the time.

Well, at 4:45am I suddenly woke up and realized that I really did have my glasses on. At that point I obviously took them off and put them back on the bedside table, and went back to sleep for a couple of hours of hopefully more comfortable sleep.

Now, I know that I took off my glasses before going to bed. I remember doing it, and I also always, always do it right before I turn out the light. Yes, I've fallen asleep with my glasses on before, but that has only been when I've fallen asleep while reading. Even then I wake myself up after a bit because I roll over and my glasses wake me up. I wouldn't have been able to get to sleep in the first place, because I rolled over multiple times before falling asleep, so I would have noticed them. Plus my new glasses are kind of heavy, so I can feel them on my nose. So I know I removed them. Which means that at some point during the night I must have put them back on for some reason. I don't remember doing this at all.

I've never done something like that, that I'm aware of! So weird!
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