May 21, 2006 22:49
I'm not exactly sure how to write how I feel right now but here it goes...
Right now, it is the sunday of the may 2/4 weekend... while most ppl my own age are out, doing SOMETHING... I've been sitting at home all day doing nothing, and sadly watching a movie with my parrents. I really hate to complain, and I know many people have it alot worse, but I just hate the fact that every single free weekend I have, I sit at home doing nothing...I never get invited to do anything anymore. I hate the fact taht I am over 17 and I have NEVER really done anyghing and that I seem to be excluded from EVERYTHING normal ppl my age do on their free weekends, instead I sit at home alone/ and cry in my room as I realize that life is just going to keep getting worse and worse and that all auspiscioun, and hope is going to shit before my eyes. I hate this feeling of total lonliness that I must endure all the time. I hate the realization I have to face, in which, I'm never going to escape this feeling and this life of mine, and that I am going to be lonley my whole life until I stop breathing. Some people say that life will improve in university, but somehow I dont think so... I have no personality, and making friends seems to get harder and harder as I get older. I really wish that I belonged to somthing somewhere and that I didn't have to live like a complete social reject! I know I shouldn't complain, and that many have it alot worse than me, but I hate being silent, and bottling everthing up! I need to complain about life a little...or else I feel so fucking trapped.
I normally wouldn't post this kind of thing... and please do not think of me as selfish and annoying. But I just want SOMONE to hear me!!! Is that so bad?