Second attempt at an entry!

Apr 11, 2006 19:20

OK i'll try again. So I haven't updated in a while, which sux, o well. Just procrastonating on HW, moreso than usual b/c MY COMPUTER CRAPPED OUT AND I LOST MY F@*#ing ENTRY!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the bright side, this weekend was super fantastic, because it was VENT ASS!!! Basically vent ass is a camp for venturers/older scouts and is run by the rovers. BTW for those who think venturers and scouting in general is very formal and straightforward, you have been horribly mistaken. It is chaos!!!! Totally! So at vent ass the events go really late into friday night most of them are pretty fun. So anyway, one event is called pudding drop, which basically our entire venturer group got to drop pudding on Henry's face, it was really funny however. The pudding kinda looked like falling crap, and the event being beside the outhouses didn't help much either. On Sunday night there was a dance, it was fun but a little crappy because the music wasn't lound enough, many of the songs were good though. On monday I had to do a presentation in law, which went ok (I hope/think), I kept twittling my earings-a new nervous habbit(I think). Pchhhaa!!! I also went to work yesterday, and by the end of my shift I wasn't upset or about to cry or want to die!! (yeah, I'm wierd) And there I was actually able to talk to people and it didn't seem like they wanted to bite my head off!!! So today I relinquished extra prom ticket and possibility to have a date, to Emily. I don't mind though, it's good that she wants to go: being social is a <> :) It was kinda funny because she was afraid that I might get a boyfriend and want to bring him. I was like, yeah... like that's going to happen (feel the sarcasm!!!) lol boys dont like me and I don't like them! So.. I had plenty more to say in my previous entry GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...
For some reason people think I'm really shy! BUT I AM NOT, I understand that I was really shy a few years ago, and really afraid to talk to people, But I'm NOT now. DEFINITELY Ya, I don't have deep, meaningful conversations with people I dont know, but, that doesn't mean I'm shy, I just dont know what to talk about!


Anyway best be going to do more hw now

Hope to see ya soon.

KISS MY SHARRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw NO SHOOL TOMMOROW!!!!!!!!!!!!

P. S. How do you get those moving graphics that express how you feel? My livejournal needs pizzaz!
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