Gender- and disability-related insults

Mar 23, 2010 09:40

I have decided that I really need to eliminate insults that put people down based on gender and disability. I don't use insults related to sexual orientation (words like faggot, I really hate that word) because I don't think it's right so why is it okay for me to continue throwing around the word "retarded" and gender-related insults? I definitely consider myself a feminist, and I like neutral things rather than gender-specific things, so whyyy has it taken me so long to stop this BS?

I'm going to make a list of words/phrases I will NOT use anymore:

Gender; Female:
Douche (bag) (sort of related, I guess, and gross in general)
Throwing/punching/hitting/etc. like a girl

Gender; Male:
Grow some balls/grow a pair/etc.


I still refuse to call things "gay" instead of stupid. Anyway, I'm sure there are tons more words/phrases but I think I've touched upon the major/common ones.

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

hurtfulness, gender, words, feminism, disability

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