First of all,
Dwarf Fortress, a game so complicated it has its own
rules wiki. In DF, you command a small group (7) of dwarves intent on setting up their home in some random hillside. It is indeed a random hillside, for the first thing you have to do when you start up DF is run the massive world generator. Only then can you embark on your quest for...?
That's the other nifty thing. There's no point in Dwarf Fortress. You just keep playing until you either get bored or all of your dwarves die off of something or another. It's like Sim City (or Sim Ant? you do a lot of tunnelling) for fantasy nerds. So brave the horrible ASCII graphics that are "Beyond Quality." Brave the "learning curve like a brick wall." Set forth, oh mighty dwarflings, and try not to die! But remember, dying is fun.
Second shout-out and an invitation inspired by
Dawn of the Worlds. This is a delightful little game in which the players play as gods creating a world, complete with mountain ranges, forests, races of strange denizens, great heroes, and wars. And if you write down what everyone does on their turn, you get a world history as well! How neat. Give the rules a read-over and let me know whether you'd be interested in playing via e-mail and photoshop or something.