Feb 17, 2007 09:55
So last night I went with Jason to see that new Ghost Rider thing. Why? Because the trailers seemed worthy enough, the special effects were entertaining, and I was just curious to see if friggin CAGE could pull off the role. I went with extreem levels of trepidation, completely expecting the whole thing to suck...I was plesantly suprised. I mean, if you're in to that kind of movie (and c'mon, admit it, you totally are) it was actually a quite decent story line, ok character development, great CGR, and Cage...well, he pulled it off (and in one freakish shirtless scene, he gets to flaunt the billions of hours probably speant in the gym to obtain a body that left me muttering, "Eeww...I'm checking out Nicholas Cage...")
Of course there were a handful of corny one liners and the whole sporadic cheesey romance thing (the herion wasn't particularily fond of WHOLE shirts), and obviously I had to ruin some of the film by wispering cutting responses to Jason thoughout the entire thing...but not a wasted evening.
Jason: "There's little kids here...I have no idea why parents bring their children to a movie like this."
Me: "Simple, it's their way of appoligizing for taking them to see Eragon."