Title: The Ice Demon and the Spider at
AO3 Characters: Loki, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, etc
Fandom/Universe: MCU (Canon Divergent AU)
Rating: R
Word count: 60K
Warnings: one chapter of torture including sexual assault
Summary: When Loki and Thor's recklessness gets them exiled to Midgard, Loki finds himself back in Arendelle. But his arrival has attracted attention of a foreign military, something called SHIELD, and this time he vows to protect this kingdom from the invaders. Meanwhile Thor finds out the truth of what happened nearly seventy years ago, just as an old evil rouses and threatens the same again.
Note: Sequel to
The Ice Demon and the Hydra but set in the ''modern" era, almost seventy years after 'Hydra'. Minor crossover with Frozen, though you certainly know enough by living on planet Earth to read this without having seen it.
Fanworker name:
enkanowenRating of fanwork: G
Link to accompanying fanwork master post:
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