
Sep 08, 2011 10:52

While I work on some other AU requests (I nearly finished the spies and then got a better idea so I'm changing it), some other updates and linkages:

Mo Ryan posts about the lack of women writers on TV.

Doctor Who Miscellany:
Sylvester McCoy does the Doctor's speech from the Pandorica Opens at D*C:

BBCA is apparently not distinguishing between new episodes and old so my DVR recorded all of them this past week. But they all have the same generic description! BBCA get with it.

Also, watching TOP GEAR US - Arlene Tur from Torchwood:Miracle Day posted the fastest time at their celebrity track, out of some twenty drivers. She ran over two cones and a camera, but she was fast! Apparently not braking beats out experience. lo

"Night Terrors" wasn't one of my favorites. I read that it was moved from earlier in the season (that it should've been where Black Spot went); don't know if that's true, but it would fit Amy and Rory a bit better, if so.

doctor who

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