My Melody

Jul 20, 2011 18:46

(wasn't there a show or doll or something called My Melody? er anyway)

Melody is my new laptop who has a functional keyboard and she is AWESOME. I feel like I can type again! I have written more fic today than in the past month, just because the keyboard actually works. yayyayayayay

of course, it's not without flaws. Some of the keys are in weird-ass places and Word's doing some weird thing where it seems to be spontaneously giving me four pages to view at a time which is hella annoying when I'm trying to type, but I'll figure out how to fix it. Little irksome things like that. I don't like programs doing things I didn't tell it to do. *grump*

So, that is a fun, exciting thing. I still have a bunch of things to do, to get Melody to have the stuff on her I want (for ex, there's no music yet - I'm using my amazon cloud for now, at least it has the newer stuff). But at least we're getting there and writing is proceeding, yay!


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