Nov 09, 2009 14:51
So I vanished from the internet for a while. I have good reasons. Well Some good reasons anyway.
My dad died two weeks ago monday. I was lucky to have gotten to see him the sunday before, The death wasn't unexpected but it was sudden. I presonally thought I had a few more years before I even had to think about having to say good bye to him but his death has always been a very real thing for me. Life seems surreal now weirdly enough.
The memorial is this thursday.
Mean while I fell behind a week in school and have far too much to do.
I haven't been updating LJ much anyway. even tho Anthony keeps telling me to do it here and there. I always feel moderatly bad when I realize how long it's been since I've been online doing things on my blogs or journals or what have you. Sometimes I get so swamped with ideas that I'm not entirely sure I have anything decent or relevant to post anywhere so I just don't.
I was supposed to be writing some plays and stuff but haven't tho the notes and such for the plots and stories are all written down somewhere in various note books and such.
I've felt a lot like a loser lately. But I don't feel ike getting into it righ tnow.
I'm in a pretty bad mood. 80% of it not Chris's fault bu 20% is enough for my afternoon to have been ruined and me to blame it on him.
So there is that too.