(no subject)

Nov 04, 2005 09:40

so this is fun...

yesterday morning i got my wisdom teeth out :(

the first thing they did was gave me laughing gas... and holy crap, that was the weirdest feeling i have ever ever experienced...i felt like i was skiping through meadows and i was hearing like weird music in my mind...i was soo messed up..lol, it was werid because i could still hear what the doctor was saying but i like wasn't there. well then he's like okay i'm gonna put the IV in now im usually scared shitless of needles, but wow i did not care about annnything, and then after that I was out.

Then i woke up for what felt like 10 hrs later, but was really only 40 min later. And i almost fell like 50 times walking over to the recovery chairs..then i went home.

my mommy got me a frosty then dropped me off, and she went to the store to get all my drugs, and all my food..strawberry applesauce, yogurt, and ice cream. She took a long time thought because i guess they took a while getting the perscription filled. and the numbing was starting to wear off, and omg it started to kill, worst pain i've ever been in...i was just crying, and crying..then she finally got home, and i took the vicadin and some other suff and it kicked in. Then I just slept off an on pretty much the whole day, my mom would wake me up every 2 hours the whole day. and i just kept icing it to keep the swelling down. i was so out of it the whole day thought because the medicines...my bro came in and was like holy shit are you high or something...lol, because i was like talking about nonsense and just really slow.

well and now i just woke up after a rough night of sleep. and since i didn't have ice on it the whole night by cheeks are like balloons, swear it is soooo bad, like 10 times a chipmunk.

and well now im gonna start taking some more drugs again, so i'll be out of it..haha...

well back to more sleeping and lyin around the whole day...

visitors are welcome, well if you want to see my sick fat face
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