Mar 15, 2005 19:00
i've been meaning to update recently, but every time i've thought about doing it, i've been at work, and lj is just one of those things i don't feel comfortable doing at work. ( ok. checking personal e-mail: very occasionally. online banking & lj: nope).
anyhoo... i am hoping my dinner does not take over the kitchen (read: boil over or catch things on fire) while i am writing this. i am boiling a pot of potatoes and a pot of carrots, on the theory that if i cook real food and freeze it, i will be more likely to eat real food at work. i am trying, once again, to eat healthier and exercise some. think im going to work out some sort of reward system wherein i bribe myself to be healthier. my mom and my brother are currently having a competition in which the first person to lost 25 lbs. gets an iPod shuffle. this is great. if only i hadn't bought one recently :P (dinner check break) on a side note, i totally understand why little kids hate eating vegetables. now i like veggies, but i've been trying to eat the veggies that come with my frozen healthy request meals (ok, so they're mom's frozen dinners and i steal them out of the freezer at home for lunch) and sometimes they are not the most appetizing. green beans are great. undercooked green beans? not so much.
now for something completely different, i have tickets to go see u2 in the fall!! (does a happy dance) or rather, kren has tickets, but that's only 'cause she managed to get thru to ticketmaster online first. so exciting! they are amazing (a-MA-zing) in concert. i can't wait.
on a sadder note, it's been a year since omer died. i think of him everytime i hear "the freshman" on the radio. i still feel guilty that i get sympathy for this, when i hadn't even spoken to him for several months before his death. i don't feel i deserve it. and it still makes me mad whenever people make jokes about buying guns at walmart. it made me so sad and so angry when i read an article in the post a bit ago about another young girl in texas, who i believe was bipolar, who also bought a shotgun at walmart and committed suicide. why in the world is it ok to buy a shotgun without a 3-day waiting period? there should have been some sort of decent screening in place. now, i know there are a whole host of issues with running a check on someone's mental history before selling them a gun, but there's something seriously wrong with the system when this keeps happening. *sigh* i guess the real point is, omer, i hope you are in a happier place and that you are free of your suffering now. im sorry i couldn't do more for you while you were on this earth.
still working at securiguard. doing more business development stuff. currently working on a proposal to providing security guard services to the jamestown-scotland ferry, tho it appears sharon may take over on that so i can get us licensed in 37 states. oh joy. this means business and security guard company licensed. apparently an rfp (request for proposal) came out today for ups, which obviously runs in many, many states, so liz, aka the west coast licensing division, gets to get us licensed so we can bid. mebbe i should just cross out "west coast" and write "everywhere" instead. :p
coming along with kalimostudios as well. it's hard to get stuff done on it since ger and i both have day jobs, and by the time i get home in the evening, i usually (1)don't want to be on the computer (since i am on it 8+ hrs a day) and (2) don't really feel like working. now don't get me wrong, i love doing kalimostudios. fact is tho, it's still a second job. usually either saturday or sunday gets devoted to it, leaving me with only one real day off. *sigh* need to find a way to quit my day job and just live off of photography. :) still working on the online order form for photos... got the online mail form working. apparently it worked before, my email is just stupid and put the test emails i was sending myself in the spam folder, which of course i never checked, so i didn't know it was working. whee. plan to buy a digital watermark and upload more photos soon. and order more business cards. and finish off our display book for laynie's vet (so mebbe pple in the waiting room will look at our lovely pet pictures and decide that they want to pay us lots of money to take pictures of their pets). as you can see, the list goes on and on.
okee. back to cooking. need to start some rice. im making potatoes and rice in saffron sauce for dinner. mebbe with some chicken. gonna make a roast to freeze for later this week too (to go with carrots and onions and potatoes).
much love,
liz :)