(no subject)

Dec 30, 2005 21:50

Well this week has been quite busy.
Monday shopped till i dropped then hung out with the peeps. Tuesday i had my family reunion, was zero fun. Tuesday night went to canada, eh, it was ok, not the best canada trip. Wednesday i watched full house forever at sarah's lol and we ate lots of food. Thursday went ice skating then went bowling. After all that im soo exhausted. Didn't go out tonight b/c im sooo tired i just wanna relax.

Im very excited for tomorrow and im not even doing anything special. im staying home and my whole family is coming over for a party like we do every year, and i love it, we have tons of food and we just have a good time. this year my cousin danielle and her bf are coming so it will be even more fun cuz now there are people my age coming.

New years day i have a family reunion at my grandma's thats always a big event, lots of people, little house. Still its fun.

only few more days till toronto!!!!
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