Curiouser and Curiouser...

Jan 06, 2005 21:04

Well, my final semester of high school has begun, and I was on to a pretty good start with the not slacking off bit. That kinda went downhill today, though. I did my homework( a major plus), but did not practice for my audition that I probably won't go to anyway. I watched Henry V with Chris, Scrappy, and Collin. I love them. It's so different hanging out with guys than girls. They're easy to talk to, you know? Well, besides the whole Henry V paper coming tomorrow, I love AP Lit. I know that while Mrs.Becker thinks we're insane, I know that she secretly loves us. That class is great; great people, lots of laughing, good stuff. I wish that I really was a better write. I got my paper back today and got 3 SO WHAT? bombs. No fun. I also thought that I completely failed that paper, but I think I mayb actually have a B on it. Yep. Well, I'm off to do more other unproductive things. Enjoy!
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