Oct 26, 2004 19:39
These past few days have been surprisingly good. At competition on Saturday, we placed 2nd in our class and color guard was first in our class and only .5 points away from being first in the entire comptetion! Excitement! It was such a good way to end the season and our last competition but it also in a way was bad. We got home a 2:30 in the MORNING! AH! Yeah, so I definitely could not fall asleep on the bus (but I did get to talk with Sarah Rice) and I went to bed at 3 and woke up around 7 for church. No fun... then off to the Berkeley Lake fall festival, which was much fun except for being EXHAUSTED! And I also almost scratched a very nice Escalade with a gate, but thats another story. Then off to church again and Josh(and Chad) got ordained. It was such a nice service. Josh's dad spoke and it was so sweet...
Anyway, moving on... Yesterday was good but I was still really tired. I practiced for Winter Guard try-outs which will hopefully go pretty well. Today, however, was awesome. First period, I napped. Then in German we ate this awesome cake. It was mighty fine. Then off to Jerrim where I really wanted to bang my head against the wall, but, hey, what else is new? Then not too much eventful happened until our hilarious rendition of Hamlet featuring guys playing women and lots of Engrish! It was the best and I really wish I could talk in an Engrish accent. Then our last practice, which was sad but rather smelly due to the disguisting state of the stadium field. Then more pracrice with my girls for Winter Guard. I'm so excited about that. I want to make it but if I don't, I suppose I could do something productive and get a job. Okay, well I have to start writing my UGA application. I have all the stuff for it (recommendations, etc) but now I have to write. Bah.