Long Story... Prob'ly take me 92 arns to tell it.

Feb 03, 2006 17:39

Mmmm. I'd like to at least make a pretense of updating this thing regularily.

So. Feb third. I've had worse Feb thirds. I really have. Mostly I'm feeling contemplative. (For those of you who don't know what it is with me and Feb third... eh. I'll explain eventually.)

Anyway, I just wanted folks to know a few things:

One, I've got a poll up on lady_smith I'd really like all my readers to take. Also, people don't seem to be getting that those are tickyboxes, and you can click as many of them per question as you want. CLICK THE TICKYBOXES!! THE TICKYBOXES COMPEL YOU!!! Ahem. Anyway.

Two - I had a weird, inexplicable busrt of iconing last night, and put the results up on limeadesunlight. I made an iconset of quotes from The Last Place. I think I've got that damn story on the brain because it's up for a Sparky, it's going to be one of the four fics discussed in the Terra Firma fic chat next Wensday, and it was recc'd on crack_van. It's not the most famous fic in the fandom, but it has its (few, scarily devoted) fans. Kinda like Farscape itself. :)

Anyway, click on this icon to see the rest of them:

Speaking of the Sparkys:


Please, please, if you have any interest in Farscape fanfic at all, please vote! And please, read as much as you can in each category before voting. Don't just vote for the story you recognize. You will miss out on so many good authors and stories that way!

Speaking of awards: The rerunawards winners were announced, and yeah, I placed dismilly in all categories. I really think multi-fandom awards are problematic - not to mention this one had trouble with people getting the word out. Oh well. The stories that did win were, in most cases, very good stories I really couldn't argue with.

And finally, some links I wanted to pass on to people:

computer_boy: Brokeback to the Future - pretty much exactly what it sounds like. :)

Also: Would I be able to get someone with a TV to tape the Superbowl for me? Not the game, just the commercials.

And on a related note: SQUEEE! V!!! IMAX!! SQUEE!! Apparently, delaying the release for months and months is good for something.

"I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me for a member"
-Oscar Wilde

v for v, cool links, awards, icons, sparkys

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