"Tiny Pink Abusive Languages"

Nov 15, 2005 15:12

Okay, so once inn a while a meme comes along you HAVE to do.

astrogirl2 showed me the game of taking a snippet from a fic of yours, feeding it into BabelFish, and then feeding what you get back into BabelFish to get "English". She requested "The Kitten Fic" be mangled by way of Russian, and I have to admit the result is more than a little amusing.

There were almost as many visions of the afterlife as members of species to have them. One popular one was the idea of being in a life indistinguishable from your own, except that everything was perfect and wonderful.

Stark had never had much credence in that one, except for the fact that it's what seemed to be happening now.

Zhaan was alive, she was with him, and they had just made love for slow, sweet arns, and now were lying happily holding each other, covered from head to toe with small, furry creatures that had just appeared from nowhere. The memories from Talyn's John that Stark still carried told him they were "kittens"; a juvenile form of a domestic pest-hunting animal, famed for their connection to mystic forces. They were also very soft and fluffy and pleasantly ticklish to both Banik and Delvian skin, especially when they started to lick with their tiny, pink, rough tongues.

There were two things convincing Stark that this in fact was not the afterlife. One was that he didn't remember ever dying, although he had to admit that was fairly dubious as that might be the natural order of things; it would explain more than a few of the people he'd crossed over.

And now, the Russian:

Были почти так много зрения afterlife как члены видов, котор нужно иметь их. Одно популярное одно было идеей находиться в жизни indistinguishable от ваших, except that все было совершенно и чудесно.

Штарковско никогда не имел много жертвенник в то одном, за исключением факта что оно показалось, что случилось теперь.

Zhaan было живо, она была с им, и они как раз сделали влюбленность для медленных, сладостных arns, и теперь лежали счастливо держащ, после того как они покрыны от головки к пальцу ноги с малыми, furry тварями которые как раз появились от nowhere. Памяти от john Talyn's все еще снесенные после того как штарковские я сказаны ему их были "котятами"; ювенильная форма отечественного животного бич-zverolovstva, famed для их соединения к mystic усилиям. Ими было также очень мягко и fluffy и приятно ticklish и к коже Banik и Delvian, специально когда они начало вылизать с их малюсенькими, розовыми, грубыми языками.

Были убеждать 2 вещей штарковский что это в действительности не был afterlife. Одно было что он не вспомнил всегда умирать, хотя он должен впустить который был справедливо dubious как которыймогло быть обычныйа порядок; оно объяснил бы больше чем несколько из людей, котор он после того как он пересечен сверх.

And now, the English again:

Were almost so much sight afterlife as terms specific, which necessary to have them. One popular one was the idea to find in life indistinguishable from your, except that everything was completely and it is miraculous.

Stark never had much credence into that one, with exception of fact that it seemed that it happened now.

Zhaan was live, it was with it, and they exactly made love for the slow, the the sweet arns, and now lay happy derzhashch, after they pokryny from the head to the finger of the legs with the small, furry by creatures which exactly appeared from nowhere. Memories from john Talyn's still brought down after Stark 4 to it them were said "kittens"; the juvenile form of domestic animal whip -.zverolovstva, famed for their connection to mystic to efforts. Them it was also is very softly and fluffy is pleasant ticklish, also, to the skin Banik and Delvian, specially when they began to lick with their tiny, pink, abusive languages.

Were convince 2 things Stark that this in actuality not was afterlife. One was that it it did not recall always die, although it must admit which was correct dubious as kotoryymoglo to be of obychnyya order; it would explain more than several of the people, was which it after it it was crossed over.

What's interesting about this is I can't find "Stark" in the Russian gobbledygook, which means his name was actually translated into and back out of Russian correctly, making it the first language I've seen that did. He tends to become "Rigid" in romance languages and "Inflexible" in Greek.

And because it amused me, here's a couple more... kudos to folks who can recognize the fic and guess the language:

Three necters of the fellip in...

"Buddha beloved," intoned solemn rigid, "I wish pony and one plastic ship of the rocket and..."

"not!" Urlato John, "is Saint, not Buddha! Someone of the completely different Buddha!"

Rigid it has tilted its head. "the fat man allegro in the red color that ricompensa the good behavior and is the cornerstone of one important faith"

Crichton left towards the outside a sigh. "why hell you wishes however a pony and one plastic ship of the rocket"

Rigid flashed he. "it is not a pony that what traditionally you ask Bu... I mean Saint? The ship of the rocket is that what you have asked me he for when you were five, so as to it has thought that it must be good."

Crichton has churned its head in the disbelief. "I will not never obtain the surplus that have.got my memories within here, man."

Rigid ducked its caught up guilty and had head for its glass. "they are spiacente."

John has churned its head and has fluctuated in an distant way. "Nah, s' cool. Just Doin ' your thing, right? Someone that dies, in the pain, so as to you it helps them. And you obtain they some you have attacked in your head." John has put meditatamente its head on its crews. "S' actually really, really... that what is the word I wishes"

"frightful" Rigid Murmured and Crichton have churned its head. "honored? Dirt? High? Terrorizzare? Beautiful? Gilded? Plastic "

John has flashed to rigid owlishly. "just, I do not know if he is you or the microbes of the translator, but one of you is sweeping with me."

And this one I have particular fondness for, if only because I know EXACTLY why it mangled D'argo's name the way it did:

Give me the credit rating, my initial reaction does not have to turn around and shout at Aeryn even more, although is it what I want hopelessly to do.

Give its credit rating, his should not panic, or make excuses, or beat you upwards, but to draw me a fast examination from "us let treat which idiot I am late more" and make a beeline for the part of argo, from time to time always howling for the pilot by the comms, not obtaining anything.

I already forgave it for that which we find - or will not find - there. I request just from a god whom it will forgive itself.

Damn, this is funny. Any requests?

Oh, and while we're on the subject of culture clash, here's a link to a German picture book I heartily approve of. Uhm, not work safe.

linguistics, fic meta, cool links, farscape

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