Near as I can figure (since the version of this meme I ran into came without instructions) you put the answer to each item in a google images search, and pick one of the hits.
But... the comic book bridges the gap temporally between the show and the movie. How is that spoilery? It's like saying Final Flight of the Osiris is spoilery for Reloaded.
The actor had difficulty making the shooting schedule for the movie. I understand he's not in it much, but I get the impression he's been left up to return to future movies (or a return series?).
And yes, people need to pick up the comic. Written by Joss and taking place between the series and the movie.
Went to see Sin City for the second time and BAM! Serenity!
But good question. Lack of bookage. But at least 99% of the crew's aboard by the looks. :)
Oh, and offline again I see. :P :)
And yes, people need to pick up the comic. Written by Joss and taking place between the series and the movie.
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