The First Three Days of 30 Days of Doctor Who

Jul 31, 2011 23:08

Okay so the official Doctor Who tumblr is doing a variation on the 30 Days of Who meme and I've decided to play along over there and what the hell, over here, too.

However I decided to throw the first three days together.

Day 01: Which regeneration of The Doctor would you most want to meet and why?

And my answer is a resounding:

He’s “my” Doctor, not my first (That would be Tom the Ubiquitous), but the one I most clicked with (honestly because more than anything when I was 7 I wanted to be Ace) , and I’m at a time in my life when I think his slightly sneaky but altogether good for you wisdom would be of use. He wins out over 11 by a very close margin fueled purely by nostalgia.

Day 02: What’s your favorite episode (and why)?

To which my answer is what it always is: a resounding EPISODE!? SINGULAR?!!!?

You are having me on. But I will humour you and limit myself to say, a top ten.

In no order whatsoever because dammit, that is entirely too hard.

The Aztecs

A wonderful showcase not only each of the characters of the starting team TARDIS but their interactions with each other, especially Susan and Barbara, plus a very complex, shades-of-grey plot, solid design and effects, good villain, good action, good humour (If one made a list of the 50 funniest moments in Doctor Who history "I made some cocoa and got engaged" would be quite high on the list) and finally very solid drama. (One's silent farewell to Cameca would be equally high on a companion list of the 50 most heartbreaking moments) This is a story about culture shock, good intentions, and why people must be - as terrible and sad as the results can be - free to live their own lives and make their own mistakes: individually, and as a culture. Unusual for Who, really.

The Invasion

The quintessential  Two-era story, for me: Zoe, Jaimie, Cybermen, a solid "local companion" and an excellent villain, made evermore enjoyable with bonus UNIT. This is a wonderful story that is composed of a nearly endless parade of perfect and awesome moments that hangs together as a cohesive whole. I could fill three posts with listing them, so I will refrain myself to making two observations not as commonly made by others, I feel: 1) The Vaughn/Packard dynamic (and the slash there is used quite deliberately! ;)) is the most fun villain twosome outside of a Holmsian Duo (because it very much isn't one!) in all of Who and 2) this is the longest serial I can think of in which not one sinlge minute of screen-time feels like filler to me. At all. And that is an amazing thing, really.

City Of Death

I think they take my Whovian credentials away if I list my favourite episodes and don't mention this one. In all seriousness, this has so much going for it for me: the wonderful Doctor/Romana dynamic, the cinematography and music, the excellent use of locations, the brilliant sci-fi concept, top-notch witty banter, wonderful supporting characters (goodies AND baddies), plot twists, action, timey-wimey stuff, a Monty Python cameo, and just loads and loads of plain old fashioned FUN. My single and solitary complaint is a common one for this era: under-use of k-9. Given circumstances I am willing to forgive it.

School Reunion

A.K.A The Only Episode From Series 2 I am Willing To Re-watch. Yes, seriously. (Don't get me started, just... don't.) And as much as the painful retconing of Sarah Jane's past is, it pales in comparison to how wonderful and magical it is to see her again, her and k9, kicking ass and being bloody marvelous. David is doing no acting whatsoever when she walks in and he first sees her, and it matters not at all because he and The Doctor are in perfect unison. The "missus and the ex" angle is far overplayed for my taste, but not enough to overshadow a masterful (hee hee) villain and a solid theme that is carried beautifully: wonderful things end, and we mourn them, but we have to say goodbye, so that more wonderful things can happen. And to be perfectly frank, that is a theme and lesson that the rest of that season and more of this fandom needed to keep in mind but lost sight of utterly. But I believe I will stop now before I get started. Ahem.

The Time Warrior

And how could I not? Look, if there are two things in Doctor Who I love, it's Sarah Jane and Sontarans, and those two things were introduced together in a wonderful pseudohistorical that combines many more things I adore: solid supporting characters, Three being clever as well as action-y, wonderful villain dynamics, witty script, and interesting plot. I want to of that list focus on the interaction between Irongron and Link, because it's not a Holmsian Duo, it's not a villain/subordenate relationship, it's two manipulators, each king of thier respective castles, using each other and each thinking they clearly have the upper hand - which neither of them actually does. It's smart smart writing and endlessly entertaining.


I admit - I am far more in love with the concept of Castrovalva than the actual execution, and if they ever returned to it with modern budget and technology I would explode from joy. But... an Escheresque city made out of math by the Master using a hostage-held Adric as a trap for the Dcotor! How is this not awesome?? And it's solidly plotted, everybody gets things to do, Tony Ainsley is a joy to watch befuddle and gloat by turns, and it solidly cements 5 as the new Doctor. Oh and I feel a need to point something out to clever clogs who insist on smarming that the title is from an earlier work of Escer's that isn't an illusion at all and thus doesn't really fit: the title is sublimely perfect. LOOK at said picture. A picturesque little town of white clay perched on a hill, except it was made by the guy better known for THIS. I submit to you this is the most appropriate Title EVER.

Keeper Of Traken

I am biased in this one too - this was the only Doctor Who I had on tape from ages 12 to 26, and thus I watched it a number of times probably best not speculated on. But I love the concept of The Union of Traken, I love Nyssa, I love Tremas, I love the great Greek tragedy of it all - a perfect little family crumbling to dust, set against the perfect society crumbling to dust, from both internal and external corruption. The Master as the Evil that does not wither up and die, but instead causes good to. And I love the interplay of Four and Adric, like nothing else before or since, giving such a taste of what could have been. And the interplay of Adric and Nyssa and the adorableness. I love it. Also anybody who calls Tony Ainsly a one-note panto villain actor needs to be hit over the head with this serial repetedly.

The Mark of The Rani

Take three of the biggest Egos the Time Lord race ever produced. Give them a history with each other. Make them unapologetically and stubbornly Moral, Immoral, and Amoral respectively. Have them clash in a historical setting where the technological development of the human race is at a turning point. Sit back and enjoy the fun. I love the Rani beyond reason and this serial is why. She's the perfect foil for both The Doctor and The Master because she's not good or evil, just driven. Add in Peri being both useful and witty, gorgeous setting, spot on production values and wonderful music and it cements this one in my heart.

Rememberance Of the Daleks

You knew there had to be at least one Seven on here (and honestly, there was nearly three of them) but in the end it has to be The One Where Ace Beats A Dalek to Death With a Baseball Bat (Of Omega). Solid concept, good plot, strong and well developed theme of intolerance, lovely continuity nods, action, drama, wonderfully quote-able dialogue, Seven being awesomely Seven, Ace being awesomely Ace, Davros being terrifyingly Davros. Just perfect.

The Eleventh Hour

You don't know how tempted I was to just put "Series Five" as my last slot and just be done with it, but that is cheating far beyond what I'm already doing, so here is the episode from season five I've watched more times than the others, that I use as a pick-me-up that never fails. The rest of my favourites from s5 really need each other as a framework, but this one is a perfect self-contained little gem. It kicks us off just right and introduces The Doctor, Amy, and Rory note-perfectly.

Runners Up: The Five Doctors, The Three Doctors, The Doctor's Daughter, The Doctor's Wife, The Fires of Pompei, The Mind Robber, The Dalek Invasion of Earth, An Unearthly Child (1st ep only), The Empty Child, Silence in the Library, Blink, Timelash, Time-Flight, Time Crash, Vengeance on Varos, Battlefield, The Happiness Patrol, Ghost Light, The Greatest Show on Earth, The Curse of Fenris, The Beast Below, The Big Bang, Unlimited Rice Pudding, etc etc etc.....

Postscript: I think they also take your credentials away if you do a list like this and don't include Blink so let me add that the only reason I removed it is I've seen the list of questions and I'll be talking about it in depth later.

Day 03: Favorite quote or one liner from Doctor Who?

“There are worlds out there where the skies are burning, where the sea’s asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there’s danger, somewhere there’s injustice …and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on Ace …we’ve got work to do!”
-The (7th) Doctor

30 days of doctor who, memes, 7 is my doctor, doctor who

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