May 18, 2011 17:08

Gratuitous Dragon spam Post

Because I'm a procrastinator, these poor suckers have under 10 hours to live, so yeah - please click.

Been very sick lately - not up to much. Painkillers & anti-bios throwing me for a loop. Saw doctor who, enjoyed it beyond coherent words, didn't even mind that they [did that thing to] Rory [they've done in every single episode until now] (probably because it was obvious to anyone with a brain (OOC - Amy was right to freak out) that it was a [spoiler] by [Evil McEvilPants])

That paragraph was probably way more complex than it needed to be. Meh.

I like biting! It's like kissing, only there's a winner!
-Idris, The Doctor's Wife

dragon spam, sick, doctor who

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