Aug 08, 2009 16:13
I apologive for allowing Lj/DW to be part of the "real life" I have been avoiding like the plauge lately. The only thing I can really say is that I have very much needed to avoid anything that smaks of obligation or responsibility - I really don't want to go into why, ok?
A very very breif round-up of the "important" points:
WOW: I have moved Oroleen from Antonidas to Earthen Ring. I now only play on ER (Alliance) and Moon Guard (Horde). That is all.
Saph and Steel: seen 5 eps. Generally got better with each one. Had to return it to library, though.
Lois and Clark: oh, to hell with this.
Doctor Who: am thoroughly spoiled for [Spoiler] playing the [spoiler]th [Spoiler], his new outfit, his new [spoiler] [spoiler], and [spoiler] being his companion. Also spoiled for [Spoiler], [spoiler], [spoiler], [spoiler] and [spoiler] being in Tennent's [spoiler] epidode (possibly as flashbacks/hallucinations), as well as [Spoiler], still playing The [Spoiler] (also possibly a flashback/hallucination). AND [Spoiler] (yes, as in James Bond) plaing a [Spoiler Spoiler] (or at least somebody dressed up as one). Oh,
Torchwood: still havn't seen most of s1, any of season 2, or Cot - but have been spoiled for all of the above.
Movies: saw HP 5 - opinions complex but mostly good. Saw GI JOE - BWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! *fangirl explosion of happy*
Friends list: has not been checked in almost a MONTH. *shame*
Job Hunt: *sob*
Brother: is 1 year older. YAY! Sent a card, don't think it got there. Will send another.
I now intend to upload icons until I reach my max and then do silly icon memes.
We will die and the world will be poorer for it.
-Prince Nuada, Hellboy: The Golden Army