Gratuitous Meme Post

Mar 09, 2009 12:40

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.

B) Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. Fuck you, LJ-meme! You can't tell me what to do! YOU'RE NOT MY REAL FATHER!!!!11!

...ahem. Moving on:

1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up:
-my POS work computer
-my leather hacky-sack I use as a stressball
-[Cow Orker]'s stuffed cows
-A year's worth of Sears catalogues
-That seriously hot co-manager over in Parts & Service.

2. How do you style your hair?
I really don't.

3. What are you wearing now?
Clothes. Oh alright - jeans, black socks, and a gaming con t-shirt. I am geek, hear me weird.

4. If you could spend an hour with any one person of your choice (be they dead or alive) who would it be?

5. Do you nap a lot?
Sadly no - I'm more interested in staying employed.

6. Who was the last person you hugged?

7. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I'm pretty hooked on DragonCave again - oh, and my .hack play-through is eating my brain pretty harsh. (I got my ass kicked by Macha last night, if anyone cares. First Phase fight I've lost since Skeith.) Aside from that, I'm really doing a LOT of little fandom things in a LOT of fandoms: Matrix, Freakangels, Doctor Who, B5, Watchmen... Farscape is kind of on the back back burner - I'm avoiding TF because I still can't get my hands on the comics and I'm avoiding spoilers. Pretender is on the back burner until christianmystic is done with season 3.

8. What was the last thing you ate today?
A crappy cereal bar.

9. What was the last text message you received?
I don't cary a cell-phone.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Half-a-dozen work-related sites I can't divulge, LJ, Dragcave, DreamWidth, and (sometimes) Facebook and TF.

11. What was the last thing you bought?
Uh... shit... I have no idea. No seriously. It's been that long. If using a gift-card counts, tickets to Watchmen.

12. What are you listening to right now?
The hum-drum buzz of the office. It's f'in slow today for a Monday.

13. What do you think about before you go to bed at night?
Oh god, must sleep, have to work tomorrow, oh god, must sleep, have to work tomorrow, oh god, must sleep, have to work tomorrow, oh god...

14. What is your favourite food ?

15. What is your favorite weather, and why?
About 15C, a light breeze, no snow or slush on the ground. Light cloud cover, not too bright. Perfect picnic/walking in the park weather.

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
God, that's tough. Accoustic guitar, I think. I'd make a much better filker that way, and I could do Beatles.

17. How are you?
Uhm, tired? Underfed? Overworked? Bored? Broke? Alive. Loved. Okay.

18. If you could make a movie, what genre would it be?
I have three screenplays in various stages of development; one of them is a standard modern drama, one of them is a near-future dystopian romantic action-tragedy, and one is an urban fantasy romance. Apparently I'm all about relationships that end badly. If I only got to make one.... damn.... that's tough. Either the one about the Australian actor who moves to Canada to get over his wife's death, or the one about the two gay cops in New York. (I'll let you guess what the genres are for those) XD

19. Say something about the person who tagged you:
agent_rouka're AWESOME! The brownest browncoat who ever aimed to misbehave.

20. What was the weirdest dream you've had recently?
The intensly vivid sex dream with John Simm. Yes, that John Simm. IDK, I'm not even that huge of a fan. I think somebody in Dream's domain screwed up and sent me one intended for snowgrouse instead. Was AWESOME, though. He's very pursuasive. The weirdest thing about it, though, was that the bed we were on looked a lot like the one my parents had when I was a kid. Yeah. Not thinking about that too hard.

I tag: Nobody, thus excersizing my God-given free will, that no stupid internet meme may reliquish from me. You may excersize yours by doing the meme, and tagging people, or not.

[Leela]: Kids don't turn rotten just from watching TV.
[Fry]: Yeah. Give a little credit to our public schools.
[Bender]: Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children and hitting them?
- Futurama

memes, about liza

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