The f'list is awash with fascinating (and sad, and infuriating, and sqeefull) stuf today, so I gather it all here and pass the saving on to you! ...or something.
First, in honour of tomorrow's premire of
Last Ride at the
Adelaide Film Festival, have a lovely
Hugo Picspam. (Pssssst!
computer_boy! Check out the filming locations map!)
According to Kate Hewlett's blog
Stephen Page is leaving the Barenaked Ladies and pursuing solo work. I have very mixed feelings about this. :/ Good luck anyway, Steve.
More Asshattery from the casting department of the live action Avatar movie. And
proof of previous asshattery. Seriously. Those are THE ACTUAL CASTING CALL SHEETS. How can they possibly deny having a caucasian casting bias?? *speechless* If you're as pissed-off about this as I am
here is a good place to start.
John Scalzi gives us
10 Things to Remember About Authors before hassling them about thier next book. They strike me as just common sense, but as we all know, common sense isn't. The comments section is also highly entertaining.
Phillip Jose Farmer died yesterday.
here is an excellent eulogy emphasizing his contributions to the field of Science Fiction, and
here is a short one covering his little-known connections to (and fondness for) the tabletop gaming industry. See you by the River, Mr Farmer.
If you love your sanity
this, really.
This is odd, but cute.
Shinking compurter technology reaches new... hights? with the
wall socket computer. Hey
mike_mccall, how many item poits is that worth? XD
Orion's Arm - a fascinating and detailed collaberative hard-SF setting, absolutely mind-boggling in scope, with transhumanist elements.
Is your monitor dirty?
click here! From
wishkey: fantastic
new web toy that generates TV quotes. In beta testing, so go on! Test the hell out of it! It's how I got the quote for this post, actually. ^_^
ysabetwordsmith has
this brilliant post on the advantages of learing a new language.
From the comments of the above post but deserving of it's own link: if something is "Greek to me" what is it if you speak Greek?
Mapping Mutual Incomprehension. The one for Esperanto made me giggle. (Esperanto, BTW, is my personal HUH? language, as I understand quite a bit of Greek and thus feel silly saying it's Greek to me. I'd use Klingon, but I know quite a bit of that, too.)
What's cuter than a fennic fox cub? Proof God enjoys the occasional bender. No this is not photoshopped.
I need to be on
THIS diet more than any other in the history of everything.
Grissom: I can't tell whether he's brilliant or nuts.
Brass: Sound familiar?
-CSI: Crime Scene Investigation