Icon Meme!

Nov 26, 2008 19:54

Well, this is going through the f'list like a rash again - and hey, it's pretty fun.

Meme instructions:
1. Reply to this post and I will pick five of your icons
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose if you damn well feel like it.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee!

astrogirl2 asked about:

- This is Seymore from the Webcomic Sinfest. It's from a strip that was basically all the characters in the strip expressing wordless love for someone/something. I don't actually like the character that much, in general, because he's basically everything that gives Christians a bad name. But doggone it, he's so CUTE here. So this is my "Yay, god!" icon. Also a general "LOVE!" Icon, though I tend to use K-9 for that, too.

- This is from this video by the band Panic! At the Disco, whom I love rather a lot. I use it when I either want to express that love, a love for wacky/odd music in general, or just want to say "YESSS!" very emphatically. ^_^

- This is a quote from an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, which is one of the most painfully funny things on the net. Seriously. I don't even watch Yu-Gi-Oh and this thing has me in hysterics. I have to admit I was absolutly floored with delight when a character not only mentioned Priscilla, but went on to add (when a giant ugly sand monster grabbed him) "Hey, wait, that's not Hugo Weaving!" XD XD XD XD I use this when I'm talking about Priscilla, weird dreams, or Y:TAS (which actually happens more often than you'd think).

- this is a goofy injoke, really. scaperdeage asked for injokes and wacky phrases to put on icons, and I asked for "Agent Shnookums" because of this conversation with janus14, inspired by a fanfic by tanathir. For the record, none of these people know each other! It's a little strange, being on my flist, I think.

- Hee! That's Weird Al wiggling his butt from the video for UHF. In it he mocks a lot of the popular videos of the time, including "Faith" by geouge Michael, which is what this is from. I loaded it because (having just gone to a Weird Al concert) I felt I needed a Weird Al icon, and this cought my eye. It's by peaces_icons. who does all kinds of cute little animated icons. I also use it for when I feel like wiggling my butt, or mocking "look at me! look at me!" style stupidity.

eve11 asked about

- This is ultimately from an in-joke on ihasatardis, where "Unexpected naked Jack!" has become a macro meme. (For the Doctor Who clueless, that's Jack Harkness, omnisexual Time Agen, photoshopped bouncing up and down behind the 4th Doctor and his companion Sarah Jane.) fallen_iceangel has made a whole series of these, and this was one of the ones she made in response to my request for Four and UNJ. Sarah Jane was an added bonus. I took this varient text one because I often feel like saying "nothing to see here, move along, move along" when posting gross silliness or just inanities. I also frequently use this as my Torchwood icon, which has got to be amusing as hell for at least some of you. XD

- This is from an episode of the (VERY VERY BRILLIANT!) surreal british comedy show The Mighty Boosh, wherin one of the characters (shown here) who is an inspiring novelist is basicly shown up by his nitwit roommate Vince who wrote innane drivel which has attracted the attention of his mentor and idol. This naturally is very upsetting, so he's advised by someone to, when he gets upset, look at a picture of kittens to calm himself down. It works miraculously well, but things keep getting worse, and when it's broken to him that Vince is getting published, he staples the picture to his forehead to avoid going into a homicidal rage. My reasons for choosing AND using this icon should now be obvious. XD It was made by imladris.

- This is a Doctor Who quote, classic series, but I'm ashamed to admit I can't remember which episode or even which Doctor! Sounds like 4, though. schattgrafik had a huge post with a ton of classic who quotes, and I grabbed a few I really liked. In context, I remember that it's not anything naughty; he's reacting to commiting genocide or leaving somebody to a terrible fate, or something. *I* usually use it in reference to somehting naughty, though. XD

- I ran across this in the comments section of some unrelated post on a community, and immediately asked mf_arch the commenter if I could use it, since I didn't HAVE an RPG icon at that time. For those not patient enough to sit through the whole thing, it basicly says: "GMs [meaning "game masters"] don't kill PCs [player characters], [incredinbly long and occasionally improbable and silly list of monsters] and other PCs DO." I find it hilarious. And yes, monster stats for everything on that list has been in some D&D supplement or another over the years, which also makes it a handy "mocking D&D" icon as well as a general RPG icon (because a lot of those things show up in other games too), which just makes me love it all the more.

- This is Donna, one of the 10th Doctor's companions, and she is indeed made of awesome. Ran accross this icon by satinlie when I was looking for Donna icons, and snagged it because 1) Yes, by God, SHE IS!!! and 2) I do actually (albeit rarely) need a "Go me!" icon. So there ya go.

izhilzha asked about:

- Oh, I love this icon so. It's from a song from the first Muppet Movie. I snagged it from an icon post made by fritters on multi_genre_fan. I use it because - well, in addition to having a lot of old friends I havn't technically met, sometimes I meet folks, and it feels like I've known them forever. This is the icon I use when that happens. ♥

- I explained this one already above.

- This is Donna Noble, one of my very favourite character from Doctor Who. This icon is in reference to something that happened to her in the middle of the season, which was pretty devistating, but I actually chose it becase it reflected my own heartbreak at what happened to her at the end of season four. I use it both when bitching talking about that episode, or when sad/heartbroken in general.

- This is Goren and Eames from Law&Order: Criminal Intent, L&O's profiler show. I rather love Goren (who is played amazingly well by Vincent D'onofrio), not in the least because he's a nicely positive role-model with Asperger's, and I ship him rather hard with his partner Eames (who's pretty kick-ass herself), especially since he gives her a LOT of looks like the one in the icon. I also use this as my catch-all L&O icon, because I've only got so many icon slots.

- This is Stark, who is my opinion is the best thing about my favourite TV show, Farscape. He has three basic modes: manic, depresed, and spiritual. He's shown here in that last one. He bounces between these because he is stykera: charged with guiding the sould of the dying to The Other Side. Yes, Farscape has a canonical afterlife. Unfortunately a bit of the soul - the memories and innate darkness - stay with him, and this haunts him. He's also been through some really horrible psychological torture, and the death of ihs soulmate - and I use that term extremely literally! - and that's the reason for the "manic" and "depressiv" parts. But this is Star at his most spiritual, selfless and beautifull - sharing a meory to ease the pain of a cellmate he's just met. I use it when I'm feeling spiritual, when I'm talking about spiritual!Stark, or when I'm expressing delight at something beautiful. IT was made for me as a gift during a yule-tide fanwork exchange by omgsheep.

kernezelda asked about:

- Hee! This is from puppet_paluza, which is a multifandom tribute to the Potter Puppet Pals flash animation. I had trouble deciding which Doctor I wanted, so I went for all of them. This is my general Doctor Who icon, and also my Dalek icon.

- This is the stages from egg to adult of a white dragon on Dragon Cave, an adoptable virtual pet site that I'm mildly addicted to. javabean_dreams has done one of these for every kind of Dragon available; whites are one of my faves. I use this when blathering about DragCave. XD

- This is one of the (many) Simpsons icons I nabbed from pouringicons, and it's the one I have uploaded the most often because - as dubeous as the source is - it's pretty much bang on my feelings about the Bible, and I say this as a devout Christian. The thing literallists have got to remember about the Bible is that while yes, it's ultimately the Word of God - it's the Word of God after it's been through a six THOUSAND year game of Whisper Down the Alley. THROUGH FIVE, COUNT EM, FIVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES! So FFS, guys, "God Hates Gays Purple Monkey Dishwasher!" to you too. >:P Seriously, the Word of God is in your own heart, the Bible is there to get you to listen for it.

- Hee! This is another one of schattgrafik's Classic Who quote icons. This is from The Armageddon Factor; it's a conversation between Drax (a sort of drifter bum Time Lord) and K9 - a robot dog. This quote nicely exemplifies K9's awesome. I use it when I want to let someone know that thier silliness has been noted. ^_^

- more Doctor Who, this was made by snowgrouse from a photomanip of hers: it's The Doctor and The Master (letest incarnation of each) iengaging in some kind of psychic battle of wills probably (knowing Grouse) with a sexual component. I like this pairing - I dabble in it - and I use this as my Master and/or 10th Doctor icon.

[Gemini]: Maybe I'll start calling you Shnookums
[Smith]: You do and I'll shoot you.
-tanathir, "Conversations With Smith"

weird al, smith, friends, christianity, donna, about liza, matrix, muppets, stark, mighty boosh, rpg, memes, doctor who, priscilla, icons

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