Hey there! Havn`t posted in ages, sorry about that; been so blasted BUSY.
Awesome stuff has arrived in the mail: I have a little wee Chiana to go with my little wee Zhaan! Unlike Zhaan, you can not take all her clothes off. Which just seems kind of wrong.
Got piad on friday, whoo hoo, used some of it to get mike and I a 4gb flash drive each - I then moved all my files, icons and fic and EVERYTHING on to that drive from work AND from home, and I'm going to treat it as a floating hardrive, so I've always got my files on me and can access them wherever! Of course, I forgot to take it with me today, so there you go.
I also didn't put my music on it, uh, because I apparently have THREE AND A HALF GIGS of just music. Think I'll buy another one and put the music on that. (They were stupid cheap you see - 14.99)
Went to see Get Smart at the cheapie theatre in town a little earlier in the week - and was blown away!! That was funny, and sweet in bits, and VERY rewarding to fans of the old show - like myself! And all the cast is made of awesome.
Did a lot of gaming on Saturday (as gosh, it was games day!); specifically I ran a Godforged demo (which went very well) and then we had our regular Kingdom Come larp, which was ALSO amazing. Our long lost White Bishop came home, out of her tree and spouting William Blake. ...I just so happened to have taken a course in Blake a couple years ago, so uh, my character was kept very very busy all night. Exausting, but FUN!!.
I was going to do a f'list dump, but, uh, the file I saved all that on is on the flash drive, at home.. *headesk*
Exspect spam today. I'm in that kind of mood.
[ETA: OMFG!! Do not click the following unless you want to
DIE OF CUTE!!! ...I love my f'list. Love, love, LOVE.]
Can the Eagle See What is in The Pit?
Or shall you Ask the Mole?
Can Truth be found in a Silver Rod?
Or Love in a Golden Bowl?
-William Blake, The Song of Thel