So, I watched the rest of Doctor Who last night...
GODDAmmit!! YOU KILLED OFF THE MASTER! ...and I review that statement and go "...wait. Yeah, right." But still... tough one to ret-con, the way they did it. They burned the corpse and everything.
Rusty doesn't go to cons, does he? I mean, they can't guarentee his saftey.
On the other hand, the slashers freking LOVE him right now. OMG, they did everything but hold up a SIGN saying "BLATENT SEXUAL OVERTONES" And I'm not even talking about Doctor/Jack - that's officially canon, now. (Not that it wasn't before to that level - if it's reasonably attractive and has a pulse (?) Jack/it unrequited is canon)
Christ, how many "Master in the Doctor's arms" icons are there going to be? Millions. I'm looking at you,
snowgrouse. You too,
redstarrobot ;P
As a final thought: Is anybody with me on the theory that "Mrs master" was actually human!Rani, and that that was her picking up the ring at the end of the ep?
I damn near pissed myself laughing at the frigging titanic coming in the side of the ship...
I piss myself laughing everytime David does that lovely over-the-top "WHOT??" Love it. Love it Love it love it. Please yes do end every season that way. As long as David's the doc, anyway. (a long time yet, knock wood!)
...there's probably going to be shitloads of OMGWTFBBQTITANIC! icons, too. Gotta get me one of those... :D
-The Tenth Doctor, on multiple occasions