I Can't Complain.

Feb 05, 2007 15:00

You could knock me over with a feather, right now. I'm just... wow.

Okay, here's the deal. Terra Firma, the farscape message board where I primarily hang out online when I'm not on LJ, had its second anniversary party recently (a little late - its birthday is in June). As part of the festivities, they had various contests, including prizes. Wheras last year the prises were fixed for each category (leading me to tell horrible jokes till I was blue in the face for the Bad Joke Contest, as that was the category with the autographed photo of Paul Goddard as the prize) this year the prises were listed more generally - most of them being a singed photo of a cast memeber (to be determined according to the winner and available supplies) and some bit of TF and/of Farscape merchandise, whatever the mods had lying around and/or had procured from Creation or Peachtree at reasonable rates.

So, this year I decided to enter the Best Joke contest with a beatiful gem from astrogirl2 (get her to tell you the Orican, Stykera, and Pa'u joke sometime!) and for nostalgia's sake, the Worst Joke contest, with something more in line with what the mods wanted. I lost last year because all my jokes were too genuinely funny. The only thing funny about the worst joke should be how bad it is. So I hit them with the herring joke - yes, the one from MirrorMask. My brother used to tell me that one, and I think he got it from mum - seeing it in MirrorMask was an absolute treat.

Anyway, I ended up not going back to TF until today, and forgot all about the Beach Bash and the contests.

Waiting in my PM box when I get back is a polite little note from the head mod asking for my preference of photos to go in my personalized keychain, and an address they can ship it and my autographed photo of Paul Goddard to!!

Oh, she adds, the photo will get longer to get there, it's coming from Australia.

*blink blink* Waitaminute, I think, these prizes are usually what the mods have lying around, or bought from Creation or Jean at Peacehtree.... Oh, frell me. Hey, I ask when I respond to give the Mod my address, you're not getting that thing personalized and sent directly from Paul, are you?

Her response amounts to "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaybe. *smirk*"


There's a part of me that desperately hopes not. That poor man has been badgered enough on my behalf. What he must think of me, I'm terrified to contemplate! (The rest of me, of course, is going "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" at piches and decibels that would make dolphins wince.)

As a final note, apparently I owe my fortune to Neil Gaiman, and not Astro. Which is kinda too bad - it's too impractical to share the prize with Neil. I guess I'll have to keep it all. *woe, suffering* ;)

Continuing on with the theme of how my life is, have a meme:

This Is My Life, RatedLife:







5.9Take the Rate My Life Quiz

I did this meme before, but my life has changed a great deal since then (for the better, it looks like).

It's not all wonderful, of course, but continuing on from my last post, I just can't seem to be in a bad mood about anything - I feel too damn blessed. I sat in church on sunday, all through the quiet after communiion, just thanking god for how well my life is going, how loved I am, how cared for, how in control of my life.

And it's not like I don't have anything to bitch about. Let me tell you about something that maybe will make you all feel a little better about your cold weather where you live: it was sufficiently cold, early saterday morning, to seep throgh the insulation on the water main in front of our apartment building and freeze some of it. Know what happens to water when it freezes? It's kinda unique. Due to the crystaline structure of ice, it expands.

In a word, CRACK.

We've been without water for three days now. They gave us a twenty gallon jug on Saturday morning - it's over half gone. There's a maitenence crew outside our window all day, every day, usually when we're trying to sleep. And the most fun: we get one bucket of water a day that we can pour in the back of the toilet to get it to flush. ONCE A DAY. Remember those outhouses from Giude/Scout camp? I do. Vivedly.

And yet... all this doesn't really bother me. Okay, it bothers me, but it doesn't get me down. What's going right in my life, conpined with how horrible things are for other people elsewhere in the world, really puts the bad parts in perspective.

There's also the fact that the time is just frelling flying by. Which, since I accidentally got here early and wrangled myself an hour of overtime as a result, is a good thing.

And when I get home, I get to see kenderheart, who's in town today! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, DARLA!!! *flails*

So really, what's to bitch about?

I couldn't decide which quote to use today, so you're getting a bonanza:

Helena: So have you thought of an answer yet?
Gryphon: You can't pass. I give up, I think, no wait, wait... Fine. What's the answer?
Helena: Okay. It's a herring.
Gryphon: But a herring isn't green.
Helena: You can paint it green.
Gryphon: But a herring doesn't hang on a wall.
Helena: You can nail it to a wall.
Gryphon: But a herring doesn't whistle.
Helena: Oh, come on. I just put that in to stop it from being too obvious.

Ah the notorious Blue Banik Baby strikes again - she's a great advocate to have on my side - she was unable to make it to the Farscape convention in LA but she sent emissaries.
-Paul Goddard, in an e-mail to computer_boy

Confucious say: Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time.
-Anonymous, and you can bet your ass it wasn't K'ung-fu-tzu.

It's impossible to feel sad when you're wearing a poncho!
-Vince Noir, The Mighty Boosh: Charlie

paul goddard is stalking me, squeeing, memes, life, terra firma, farscape

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