Squeeing, Pimping, etc, but no memeing for a change.

Jan 11, 2007 17:56


Yes, my XMas/Bithday pressie arrived, and you get bonus points for having stuffed wrapping paper in the CD sleves. *snerk* Oh, and the card had me LOL - Gary Larson OWNS, that is all.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! 10th Anniversary edition Priscilla and the complete After the Deluge! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!

I picked up my post on the way to work, and there it was! I'd actually forgotten you'd sent the first ones!

For those of you just joining us, computer_boy/Sam/WhosYourDargo is sending me a bunch of Hugo Weaving movies not available where I live, pirated altered so I can play them on my imperialist pig-dog region one player.

My roomies for Burbank are already set - scary, ain't it? kazbaby, if you do end up going, I'll try and keep a spot for your sleeping bag open... no charge. ♥

Speaking of Burbank, in the "Ain't Corparate Policy Funny Sometimes" Dept: I put my request in for vacation days yesterday. Because of the amusing fact that they don't pay our lunches here, so the max shift is actually 7.5 hours, but they pay 8 hours for a paid vacation shift, plus you can get five shifts a week... I may actually end up getting paid more money for driving accross the american west, visiting people on my f'list, screwing around with fellow scapers for a weekend in a nice hotel, and possibly getting the chance to torment stalk oggle ravish meet Paul Goddard than I do for sitting on my ass posting to LJ on the sly and taking abuse from patiently explaining to morons who can't read valued customers and undertrained monkeys sales assoiates that if someone give you money and you can't be arsed to spend it in two years, plus a six-month grace period, you're a moron our expiration dates are final.

...let's go on more vacations!! Ahem.

Moving away from the subject of me, I thought I'd throw in my obligatory Auroras pimp here:

Go nominate your faves!!

...it's kinda gratifying how many times this banner has shown up on my f'list lately - keep up the good work guys!

[Harvey:] Look, Jimmy, you're still a name. You come out of the duggout at the start of the game, wave your little hat in the air, give the people a thill.
[Jimmy:] Why don't we get an organ grinder so I can hop around and do a little dance wihle I'm at it?
[Harvey:] If your knees are up for it, go ahead!
-A League of Their Own

burbank, gifts, friends, squeeing, work, pimping

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