you're just a face i've gotten over anyhow

Aug 11, 2003 17:15


*1. Full Birth Name: Elizabeth Anne Goebel

*2. Natural Hair Color: brown

*3. Hair Color Currently: brown

*4. Eye Color At Birth: blue (a majority of white babies are born with blue eyes, just in case one of you seriously thought you didn't know what color they were when you were born.)

*5. Eye Color Currently: green

*6. Height Currently: 5'4"

*7. Glasses/Contacts: glasses

*8. Birth date: April 20, 1982

*9. Sign: I DON'T CARE

*11. Parents Names: Tom and Anne

*12. Siblings: Nick and Carolyn

*13. Location: Healdsburg, CA

*14. School Attended: umm...I went to Healdsburg High School.

*15. Grade attend: I'm in college.

*16. G. P. A.: 4.0

*17. College Plans: I'm IN college, I plan to...graduate.


*19. Planned College Minor: I'm minoring in YOUR MOM.

*20. Any Piercing: eyebrow/tongue/ears a bunch

*21. Any Tattoos: one little butterfly on my back


*1 Best Girl Friend(s): Leah, Carolyn

*2. Best Guy Friend(s): Mark

*3. If You Could marry Anyone Who Would It Be? Mark

*4. Current Dating Partner: What the hell is a "dating partner" :|

*5. Current Crush: my "crush" is Mark.

*6. Hobbies: games, computers, piano, singing, sleeping

*7. Where Can You Usually Be Found: at my computer =P

*8. Who Can You Usually Be Found With: my sister or Leah

*9. Cell Phone: I DON'T HAVE ONE

*10. Pager: THOSE ARE SO 90'S

*11. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: I'm a wallflower, unfortunately. I avoid having to go out with people most of the time, or getting attention. :|

*12. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: MY VAN :D

*13. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: A beetle. :o

*14. Who Do You Know Personally That Has The Best Car: Uhh...I really like my mom's Odyssey.

*15. Are You Timely Or Always Late: I'm usually late.

*16. Would You Rather Be With Friends Or On A Date: I'd most likely choose being with Mark over being with my friends most of the time, but my "friends" consist of my sister, whom I live with, and Leah...whom I see often and she would understand anyway because she has a fiancee.

*17. Where Is The Best Hangout: DENNY'S IS WHERE IT'S AT. No...I...don't hang out anywhere.

*18. Do You Have A Job: no =( I'm...WORKing on it though, LOL!!!!!!!!!!11111oneone.

*19. Where Do You Attend Church: Way to ASSume, ASShole...LOL!!!!!!!!!!1111

*21. Are You Active In Your Youth Group: I don't go to church, what the hell is wrong with you.

*22. Do You Like Being Around People: no

FRIENDS: Out Of Your BFF's (or friends in general)


*1. Have You Known The longest?: Carolyn

*2. Do You Argue The Most With: probably Carolyn, although I don't really argue with her unless my parents put us in a bad mood.

*3. Do You Always Get Along With: Leah

*4. Is The Most Trustworthy: Mark

*5. Makes You Laugh The Most: Mark, Leah, and Carolyn.

*6. Has Been There Through All The Hard Times: Mark

*7. Always Has A Man/Woman: Leah

*8. Is The Most Sensitive: I guess besides myself...Carolyn.

*9. Has The Coolest Parents: umm...

*13. Is The Most Blunt: Leah

*14. Is The Shyest: Carolyn

*15. Is The Most Outgoing: Leah

*16. Is Most Rebellious: ...:|

*18. Is Most Likely To Become Famous: NO ONE

*19. Is Most Likely To Become Rich: NO ONE

*20. Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: NO ONE

*21. Is Most Likely To Have a Million kids: Leah, definitely, just because she WANTS a million kids.

*22. Is Most Likely To never Have Kids: YOUR MOM. OH...WAIT...=(

*23. Always Wears A Smile: Leah

*24. Is Smartest: Mark

*25. Has The Biggest Attitude: I DON'T DO ATTITUDE MMMK

*26. Without Thinking About It, Who would die for you: Mark

*27. Complains The Least: everyone complains da mostest

*28. Biggest Flirt: Leah

*29. Needs A Good Man: DEREK LOL

*30. who would Never EVER Betray You: Mark and Carolyn, I don't think Leah would, but...Mark and Carolyn are the most likely to not betray me.


*1. Who Is Your Role Model: I don't have one.

*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: People leaving my bedroom door open, people asking stupid questions, people not using common sense, superficiality, when people stare me down like I'm not human (happens a lot for some reason), blinking windows, people dancing in the middle of town to a shitty hip-hop song and mouthing all the words and acting like they're having sex standing up but they aren't and they're all really shitty.

*3. Have You Ever Been In Love: I am.

*4. Have You Ever Really Liked Someone You Had No Chance With: I don't really think about it because I don't like other guys.

*5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: yes

*6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: no, I don't go after anyone

*7. How Long Was Your Longest Relationship: my current one - which is about a year and a half since we started an actual *relationship*, two years since we met each other.

*8. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): everyone lies about something, even if it's small. *shrug*

*9. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge On Someone Because They Hurt You: I'm not a big "revenge" person, I like cruel irony though.

*10. Ever Been Lied To By A Significant Other: YES. :|

*11. Ever Been Cheated On: yes

*12. Ever Said I Love You To A Significant Other: duh, lol

*14. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumpee: I'd rather be NEITHER of them, but I suppose being the dumpee is better because you don't hurt the other person. Unless the other person really which case I wouldn't care, and I'd be the dumper. I fucking hate the word "dump", oh my god.

*15. Rather Have a Relationship or A "Hookup": a relationship. Hookups bother the living crap out of me (AND THE DEAD CRAP OUT OF ME LOL CAROLYN.)

*16. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: nope, I have him.

*17. Ever Liked Your Best Guy/Girl Friend: I do. =P

*18. Are You Lonely Right Now: not particularly

*19. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: no, I will.

*20. Do You Want To Get Married: absolutely

*21. Do You Want Kids: yes, I want two.

*22. Do You Believe In Psychics: no, I think it's bullshit. I could be all "what about that one time when you were 3..." and the person would go "OMG AAAAAAA."

*23. Do You Believe You Know Who You Are Going To Marry: yes.

*24. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Physical Being: ew, NOTHING.

*25. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional Being: I have an ugly laugh, which is really emotional to me, and I can make people cringe with it.

*26. Are You Happy With You: no

*27. Are You Happy With Your Life: no, I don't think I will be until I move to canada.

*28. Are You Scared Right Now:

*29. If You Could Change Something In Your Life, Right Now, What Would it be?

30. Say Something To Someone That May Or May Not Read This: I LOVE YOU MARK


*1. Quote: "AND THIS ONE TIME, AT BAND CAMP" ew, god. :| I don't have a favorite quote.

*2. Room In house: my room

*3. Girl's Name: Juliana

*4. Guy's Name: Ima Fag

*5. Ice cream: chocolate

*6. Person to talk to about your problems: Mark


*8. Magazine: Cosmo, Rolling Stone

*9. Song: right at this moment...I'd say Alkaline Trio - All On Black or Continental.

*10. Shampoo: Dove

*12. Soap: DOVE

*13. Movie: Thelma & Louise, Wayne's World (I & II), Orange County, Forrest Gump


*15. Beverage: coke, lemon iced tea

*16. Candy: Peanut Butter Twix

*17. Gum: anything cinnamon-ey

*18. Sport To Play: I don't really play sports, but basketball and football are fun.

*19. Sport To Watch: football

*20. Subject In School: psychology

*21. Time Of Day: after it turns dark

*22. Family Member: Carolyn

*23. Number: I hate numbers.

*24. Salad Dressing: ranch or 1000 island

*25. Blanket/Stuffed Animal: pink blankie. :o

*27. Quote From A Movie: " Bob dead? DID SOMETHING BREAK?"

*28: Day Of The Week: any day where I can be home without my parents here.

*29. Color: black

*30. Perfume And Cologne: you smell

*31. TV Show: Jeopardy, Conan O'Brien, Friends

*32. Flower: I duno, they're all pretty to me.

*33. Pair Of Jeans: I don't wear jeans.

*34. Fast Food Place: In N Out :d

*35. Game: computer - Dark Age of Camelot, and console - Mario Kart

*36. Teacher: high school - Mr. Berry, college - Kerry. (I guess it's just shitty coincidence that they rhyme.)

*37. Love Song: Rooney - If It Were Up to Me, Evanescence - Anywhere and You

*41. Month: I have no idea

*42. Season: I like all of them.

*43. Vacation Spot: Hawaii

*44. Person To Give Advice To: anyone who likes the advice I give them

*45. Person To Get Advice From: no one


1. Cried? no (surprisingly)

3. Gotten Sick? yes

4. Sang? yes

5. Eaten? yes

6. Been Kissed? no =(

7. Felt Stupid? I don't think so

8. Said I love you? yes

9. Wanted To tell someone you loved them but didn't? no

10. Met someone new? no

11. Moved on? no

12. Talked to an Ex? yes

14. where did 13 &14 go? I see 14 right here, you piece of shit.

15. Had a Serious Talk: yes

16. Missed someone? yes

17. Hugged Someone? my sister

18. Fought with you parents? yes :| my mom couldn't go one day without arguing.

19. Fought with a friend? no

20. Dreamed about someone you can't be with? no

Wow, it was scary when I thought I lost all that...but it turns out...I didn't. *scoot*


21. Had a lot of sleep?

22. Describe the Funniest thing that happened:

23. Wanted the Survey to be over:
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