I wish I could quit you

May 14, 2010 10:07

So I rewatched the episode only this time, I stopped before the last ten minutes. And you know what? Without the shortcuts and character defamations, it was a gorgeous episode. Last night I couldn't stop squeeing over the Impala's story (and didn't that interspersing just make it that much cooler that the Devil got down in Detroit?) and bb Sam and Dean and the stunning rushing wind epic brotherly love montage and the calm look on Sam's face as he prepared to fall (and oh god why couldn't they just stop there or have Dean go with him? D=) and ASSBUTT; however, my love for what worked in this episode - which was a lot, clearly - was overshadowed by the sudden Take It Or Leave It ending.

And while I'm still not tossing my cap into the season six pool (because I just can't bring myself to care about how the Winchesters move on after this - and maybe that's the point of an ending; to come to a resolution which allows for a letting go of whatever investment you've made in characters), it's certainly a much more comforting thing to just pretend that the things that could have been powerful emotional stakes had they not been voided  at the end actually did happen. As one person said, "I am kind of warming to/gradually working through the pain and learning to accept this episode, but nothing beats the episode that LIVES IN MY HEART."

Oh, show. *snaps a picture, pastes it in dictionary under 'anticlimactic'*

also p.s

If they were gonna bring someone back randomly this season, why didn't they explain Jesse? Seriously, is there a tiny boy who just happens to be the antichrist just sitting on Ayers Rock or something? SHOW YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE HOLES. ITS A CHOICE, REALLY, I PROMISE YOU.

ep reaction, now that's just lazy writing son, spn

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