
Dec 09, 2009 17:26

Because I have a million things I should be doing that I don't want to do: a meme.

You know how sometimes people on your friends-list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

first name

Kaitherine. But don't call me that unless you want me to exact divine retribution upon your very soul. I go by, and have always gone by, my middle name: No, not Elizabeth-Auden. Just Liz. Short and sweet and to the point and excellent for screaming out during sports matches.


25. Holy crap.


Hawaii. Muahaha.


I am a licensed vet tech and surgical assistant. I'm also a marine biologist, and have a degree in animal science and behavioral/rehabilitation science. Most of the time I work at a vet clinic but during the winter I also conduct a marine study on Hawaiian humpback whales, funded by a grant from UH. We're on year 3 of 4 and it's verrrrry inneresting.

Of course right now I'm on maternity leave so. You know.


I'm "married" to a surfer/eco-contracter/writer named James. He looks like Heath Ledger, once had a band that opened for The Killers, and smells like the ocean no matter how many times he showers. I love him to a degree that is infinitesimally stupid and for some strange reason, he seems to love me back. Go figure.


Yes I have them. Yes they're amazing. Yes this terrifies me more than anything ever has.


Oh ho ho boy, do I ever have me some siblings. My half-sister Cordie is the oldest; she's 35 and we don't really know each other that well but we still manage to fight a lot, just like real sisters.

Next is Brad; he's 30 and lives in Jamaica and is generally awesome.

Jason; he's 29 and we waged epic prank wars with him growing up. He's in Vancouver now, with his teeny tiny Ukrainian wife and their kids.

I have a twin brother. His real name is Henry (Kaitherine and Henry, har-de-har) but don't call him that unless you want him to exact divine retribution upon your very soul. He goes by his middle name: No, not Fitzwilliam-Frost. Just Fitz. Short and sweet and to the point. He's pretty much the yin to my yang and owns more than half of my heart. I don't know how to exist without him; there is no Liz without a Fitz. We even have a band together; The Darcy Experiment. (Why yes, our parents were fans of Jane Austen.)

You thought I was done, didn't you? WRONG. Now we have the YOUNGER ones to cover.

Sam is turning 19 next week and he's amazing; he speaks fluent Japanese and is in college to get his teaching degree - then he's going to bunk off to Japan for a few years, which will probably turn into a lifetime because he's totes going to fall for some Japanese chick and have adorable, amazing multi-cultural bbs.

Shelby, another half-sister, is... 14? I think. I'm pretty sure she is. God, she might be 15. I don't know. We don't really like each other. Um. She's tall? I know she's tall. Freaky tall. Yeah.

Ellie (half-sister) is 13. I know this for a fact. She adores horses and her favourite snack is mandarin oranges and she's a delightful conversationalist. She wants to work in Congress.

Paige (also half-sister) is the light of my life. She's 10 and one of those most amazing kids I've ever met. She loves animals and reading and wants to be a vet and she'll do it too, with her determination. She is honest and kind and good, which is amazing considering our mother. I'm not sure what it is about her that captured my heart so - I think it's the fact that there's 15 years between us and when she was born, it was the first time I was really afforded enough independence to realize how wonderful and marvelous this teeny newborn thing was; I had my own life, so it was my choice to spend time with her. She was such a lovely little toddler. I haven't seen her since she was two-and-a-half since differences with my mother caused us to part ways and cut communication, but we talk on the phone and she takes my breath away every time.

And finally, my tiny half-brother Ben. He's the baby of the family, just turned 8 in September. This kid is a freaking riot. He says the most amazing things and just makes you want to pinch his cheeks until he squeals.


Oh god. M'tired of typing. WE HAVE A LOT. I just can't say no.

*deep breath*

Okay, so, four horses (Fading Glory, Saving Grace, Nowhere Man, and Rooibok), five dogs (Knightly, Indiana Bones, Sammy, Sascha, and Laska), nine cats (Underfoot, Nix, Hawkeye, Alexander, Cassander, Franny, Kea, Nox II, and The Artful Dodger), two mice (Miller and Barnaby), four goats (T-Rex, Velociraptor, Diplodocous, and Joe), a chameleon (Geico), three geckos (Ringo, George, and Kah), two lovebirds (Amore and Vincente), two budgies (Whitaker and Chinook), a bunny (Pete), and many many fish.

I think that's all of them. Our animal population is always fluctuating, but those are the ones that are pretty steady.


list the 3/5 biggest things going on in your life

-Having tiny newborn babies.
-The surf season.
-Writerly stuff.
-having my thesis published.
-celebrating the first anniversary of our "committed relationship"


Esler/Len. My papa♥. He's amazing - he runs an international construction agency (which is why we grew up all over the place) and was a single father for many, many, many years. Then he married Kim, who sadly died a few years ago, but who was an amazing woman and the best stepmother a girl could ever have.

Jaye is my biological mother. She's a douche and a Scientologist. She's nuts. We don't speak.

who are some of your closest friends?

My brothers Fitz and Sam. My father. My husband. My darling scourgeofeurope. Scarlett, my girlfriend; Danny and Sean. My yoga buddy Joseph. <3333333

did you know, meme

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