Fic: A Fourth Note 1/1

Jun 12, 2012 21:22

Title: A Fourth Note 1/1
Pairing: Calzone
Rating: PG
Summary: Four short song inspired drabbles.

a/n: There are songs in this world that make me stop and take stock of the amazing, happy life I’ve been blessed with. These are some of them. I haven’t written in a LONG time, but love makes you do crazy things I guess. :)

For: allatonceyounme, because she is my everything.

Standard disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

Fly Me To the Moon : Frank Sinatra

It started with a kiss. This whole insane rollercoaster ride that never ended (thankfully) all started with one. barely. there. kiss. Now here she stood, she, CALLIOPEFREAKINGTORRES, was standing in front of a mirror, breathing much more rapidly than was medically advised, staring at herself wearing this dress. This epic, white dress that cost more than was financially advised. She didn't care. The apples of her cheeks bloomed in a shy pink as she let her thoughts ramble over the memories that consisted of the ride of her life.

"Torres!" Mark's gruff bark broke through her thoughts. "Let's go! You look fine!"

Callie squinted at the mirror, nose wrinkling, before whirling around to find Mark standing, mouth agape, behind her.

"Okay. More than fine. You uh..." Mark swallowed. "You look... stunning."

Callie blushed anew, glancing down at her dress.

"You think?"
"I know." Mark grinned and presented his arm. "Let's go make you an honest woman."


Just the Way You Are : Bruno Mars

A comfortable silence descended upon the house as Arizona busied herself picking up various toys... and Cheerios. She smirked, briefly, as she plucked one from the pocket of a teddy bear's corduroys. Depositing the toys in the bright pink box, she stretched her back and began a slow, weary climb up the stairs. She hadn't decided if spending the day with Sophia was more tiring than a 36 hour shift or not, but she knew it was worth every moment - either way. Arizona drew up short at their office door, a smile spreading across her face. She quietly crossed the room, shaking her head. Callie had fallen asleep, cheek side down, and was on the verge of ruining rather important looking papers. Arizona ran her hand through already tousled dark waves.

"Calliope..." she said, gently.


"Calliiiiope." she said, louder.

A snore was her only answer.

"Calliope, your mother is here."
"WHAT? WHERE? WHO?!" the brunette startled awake.
"Calm down, I was just trying to wake you." Arizona smirked.
"So... so wrong," Callie yawned, wiping the drool from her cheek. "God, I must look a mess."
"Never. You always look beautiful to me." Arizona held out her hand to Callie. "Even when you look a mess."


We Are Young : fun.

It was rare that they fought, really fought. It wasn’t that they didn’t have five second arguments or times when they were forced to compromise - they just made each other complete enough that the five second arguments weren’t worth turning into something larger. Being forced to compromise, wasn’t necessarily a ‘forced’ issue either - they both genuinely wanted to make the other happy. But when they did get into a good, long, loud, fight - it was going to last for hours, it was going to be painful. There would be tears and hurt feelings. Every couple fights at some point. If you don’t, you’re not normal.


Icy cold blue flashed in Callie’s direction. Callie faltered, slightly, but was too tired to drag it out any longer. She couldn’t remember what even started this idiocy, more importantly; it just wasn’t worth it - whatever IT was. She decided to hold her ground.

“This is ridiculous.” She said. “I’m sorry for what I said, I just… I was REALLY pissed off and I know that’s not an excuse but…” She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

Callie turned to walk out of the kitchen, thoroughly spent - mentally and physically.

“It was your turn to be crazy anyway.” Arizona spoke up. “I’m sorry too. I’m… a moron.”

The brunette stopped and turned back, holding her arms out, trying to keep her balance as they were quickly filled with Arizona.

“Ugh, you wear me out, ma’am.” Arizona mumbled.
“You wear me out too, lady.” Callie smiled, pressing a kiss to Arizona’s temple. “Bed?”


Mr. Maker : The Kooks

Callie wasn’t sure how they’d got this far, how they got this much, how they were this lucky. Maybe it was all those stars she wished on every time she got the chance. She glanced over at Arizona, grinning like a fool, holding a video camera. She shook her head, grinning much like her wife, and watched their daughter as she flitted across the stage en pointe in the simple white costume her role required. Callie had long stopped waiting for the other shoe to drop in on their unbridled bliss. There was no need for worry, whatever came their way - they could handle. Years of working on communication and learning from the other had brought an enjoyable happy life to the forefront. Glancing again at her wife, she reached over and rested a hand on the swollen belly that was now carrying their son. She sighed, quietly and contentedly, as Arizona’s free hand covered her own. Good karma, good luck, prayer, maybe just doing everything right - whatever it was that had brought them this far, she was beyond thankful for it. Now instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop, she only enjoyed the day she was in and waited for the next day of bliss.

fanfic: grey's; calzone

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