Drabble: Anatomy Lessons

Jul 04, 2009 02:44

Title: Drabble: Anatomy Lessons
Pairing: Calzone
Rating: PG
Summary: A lesson in back anatomy.

a/n: So this is what you get when you cross a pre-med student with 12 hour overnight shifts and an inordinate amount of studying. I apologize in advance lol.

Standard disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

"Fossae lumbales laterales, commonly known as the dimples of Venus..." Callie whispered, watching as goosebumps arose in the wake of her fingers. "More common in the female form but also known to appear in males," she smirked, hearing the blonde's breath hitch. "Considered rare overall."

Callie laid gentle kisses up the prone form beneath her, pulling the blue material away from Arizona's back, mentally noting each muscular curve and dip as she uncovered more of the vanilla scented skin. She paused and bit down gently on the muscle at her mouth.

"Latissimus dorsi, responsible for the extension, adduction, horizontal abduction and internal rotation of the shoulder joint." She soothed the previous bite with hard stroke of her tongue. "Also used in the cooperative role of extension and lateral flexion in the lumbar spine."

The surgeon continued her agonizingly slow conquest, using her hands now to massage the tension away from Arizona's shoulders.

"Ah, the trapezius," she smiled as Arizona moaned into the pillow. "A large muscle that extends down from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and across to the spine of the scapula."

Callie leaned forward, kissing the spot just behind Arizona's ear before catching the earlobe between her teeth and pulling softly.

"The top of this muscle is commonly found to be sore when the subject is under large amounts of stress or is hunched over a surgical cavity for eight hours."
"Good thing I've got an Orthopod who knows what she's doing then." Arizona quipped with a smirk.

The brunette smiled, slapping Arizona lightly on the shoulder.

"No more anatomy lessons for you." Callie said, rising up on her knees slightly so Arizona could shift onto her back beneath her. "Just take all my fun away."
"Aw, poor Ortho." Arizona laughed. "Stop pouting, your face will freeze that way."

Callie scrunched up her face.

"Ay dios mio, gracias mamá"
"So sorry," Arizona laughed again. "Working with kids all day and what not."

She reached up and pulled Callie down for a kiss, sucking the full bottom lip of her girlfriend into her mouth before letting it go with an audible pop.

"That more than makes up for it."
"Bet I can make up for it more with an anatomy lesson of my own."
"Ooh Dr. Robbins, you could get in trouble for that."
"Trouble's my middle name."
"Good thing I like trouble." Callie grinned, pulling the sheet over them both.

fanfic: grey's; calzone

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