Jan 25, 2007 02:22
Its soo funny how people are. like how people invite you places but when you call them they dont answer nor do they call back.. and wont.
Or when friends "are tooo busy" to take 5 seconds out of there day to call a "friend" and say happy birthday. but they have time the next day to text and say happy birthday... I dunno.. I wasnt even mad about it at first but then I dunno... I basically got slapped in the face.. like im sorry, no I dont go to school yet. yeah I dont knwo what its liek to be really busy.. but seriously... marissa has a baby, a job and a fricken boyfriend.. yet she still took time out of her day to rap me a present write me a card and have me over for a couple hours. people who hardly know me took 5 seconds out of there day to say happy birthday to me.
I dunno.. all that matters is that I had an amazing birthday,. and I did
me brittany and bridgette went to canada.. first we went to reactor and they were giving sooo many free drinks cuz it was my birthday.. then we went to rush and they made me go on the hot body contest... I was really about to hide out in the bathroom.. but they found me in the crowd and made me go up on stage.. I wouldnt have done it if I had to liek show skin and stuff.. I ended up being in the finalist with this one girl who was wearing a skirt... so figures she was gunna win.. it ended up being really close. Brittany got everybody [which was a lot of people for a tuesday night] to chant out my name.. so I was just super drunk like smiling and saying "yeah pick me pick me" while the other slut was dancing liek a hoe. hahah we had liek 2 tie breakers and she won.. and I got a free drink.. anything I want.. and all I ever want is a lemon drop.. which I shoulda got somethign better. Then we went home and I passed out..
and woke up this morning.. hangover free :-) yeyy