So I watched Le Divorce tonight with the 'rents and got to thinking about Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson, and trying to find the family resemblance (other then their blonde hair). This led me on a romp through cyberspace, where I learned way too much information about their ancestry (Goldie and Kate are Hungarian Jewish through the maternal line), and that they both have an affinity for marrying and having babies with rock stars and then moving on to actors while the babies are still young. Sick.
Finally, I tracked down similar looking photos. I'm pretty impressed. With the resemblance, that is, not myself (well, not too much).
Goldie, on the left was 27 in this photo, while Kate, on the right, was 23. That is a 4-year age difference, for those of you non-counters in the crowd.
I'm going to go fill my head with garbage that is less celebrity-related now.