May 27, 2005 11:36
1. Nervous Habits: biting my nails and eating chocolate
2. Are you double jointed: HAHAHAHA Why funny you should ask, yes I am, I can dislocate my left shoulder and my knees
3. Can you roll your tongue: I can roll my R's and i can fold my tounge and make a taco out of it!
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time:I can only raise one
5. Can you blow spit bubbles: no, sad for me....
6. Can you cross your eyes: you betcha i can
7. Tattoos: Nope and I don't think I will
8. Peircings: I had my belly pierced for awhile but i took it out
9. Do you make your bed daily: I try to
10. Which shoe goes on first: usually my right, but I don't wear shoes, I wear flip flops
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: I hit ryan with my flip flop once does that count?
12. On the average, how much money do you carry: however much is on my debt card...
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: watch, livestrong braclet, shibb braclet, tsunami one and this one i made from a string that came off a pair of flip flops to remember spring break
14. Favorite piece of clothing: ryans pj bottoms
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl it I am Italian you know
16. Have you ever eaten Spam: once and it was sooo nasty, my grandma made me eat and never again will i eat it!!
17. Favorite ice cream flavor: how many times must I answer with the "I'm lactose intollerant" answer before you get it!! (chocolate chip cookie dough)
18. How much cereal is in your cabinet: 2
19. What's your favorite beverage: Dr. Pepper
20. What's your favorite restaurant: I'd have to say either P.F. Changs or Chili's
21. Do you cook: of course I'm known for it!!
22. How often do you brush your teeth: 1/day
23. Hair drying method: towel it off then style it,it dries on its own
24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! so many times the people that cut my hair said stop...
25. Do you swear: yeah, it's a nasty habbit i have I gave it up for lent this year but that didn't go so hot, see my roommate really influnced me *foul foul filth foul foul*
26. Do you ever spit: every once in awhile and suprisingly my boyfriend finds it hot......
27. Animal:I've never had any pets but I think I like dogs the most, i must have something about me because all dogs tend to like me....Cats are pretty cool too
28. Foods: Mexican food, spicy food, italian...but especially buffalo wings...yeh i know i sound like a guy but i swear im not!!!
29. Month:any month as long as its not freakin 100+ degrees
30. Day: Saturday
31. Cartoon: Shrek, Family Guy, Simpsons, King of the Hill
32. Shoe Brand: Sketchers and who ever makes comfy flip flops!!!
33. Subject in school:DUH!!! History
34. Color: green, or pink
35. Sport: ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOT BALL!!!! and i love to swim
36. TV show: I think we all know.....Friends, Lost, and Extreme Makeover: Home edition
37. Thing to do in the spring: go out to marfa and see the marfa lights
38. Thing to do in the summer: pray to god that i don't have to bag that day and do carry outs because of the FREAKIN TEXAS HEAT!!!!
39. Thing to do in the fall: Go out to fort davis and look at the endless sky of stars
40. Thing to do in the winter: I went to school where it snowed so of course i went out side to play in it
41. On the CD player/iPod: Sattlite Radio, Will Smith- Switch
42. Person you talk most on the phone with: I think ryan i was on the phone for an hour and a half last night.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: sometimes....
45. What color is your bedroom: White/Blue
46. Do you use an alarm clock: my phone
47. Window seat or aisle: window,Isle if its the movie theatre
48. What's your sleeping position: I'm all over the place but I like to snuggle with my significant other...
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: yeah because my house is a fucking Igloo
50. Do you snore: yeah
51. Do you sleepwalk: not that i know of
52. Do you talk in your sleep: I've been told I sing sometimes
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: of course, Chewie, piggy, and moofer
54. How about with the light on: Nope it has to be dark in my room
55: With TV or radio on: sometimes last night it was the radio...usually its the tv
56. Last interesting person you met: I think it was Elton John in my dreams