Nov 01, 2006 16:08
Sad, really. I feel like it has been forever since I've actually written something that I'm proud of. I read so much of what my friends write, Campbell, Martha, and I just get so insanely jealous because I do believe there was a period in time where I was capable of writing that well. Or not. But anyway.
For those concerned about my sanity, it is still more or less in tact. I have two job interviews on Friday, one of which I am no where near qualified for. Online Business Editor with AOL. I think I applied by accident, after seeing they required 5-10 years experience. But they called, and want to talk to me. I'll most likely go Adam Sandler in the Wedding Singer on this one. "I like money. I have a little. I keep it in a jar on top of my refridgerator. I'd like to add more to that jar. This is where you come in, sir." Comedic gold potential. My sister Ginny is coming to visit this weekend. This could very much be the highlight of my month. It will most likely be a weekend of drinking, running around the city, and perhaps running around the city WHILE drinking.
I still like New York, despite all the horseshit that has gone on down here. And really, there's more horseshit than I could even begin to explain on here. I'll be moving into the city within the next couple of months due to ridiculous information that has been revealed to me over the past several days. On top of that, my roommate got a dog. Now, let me preface this by saying I love dogs. This is not a dog as much as it is a mouse that used to roam the halls of BALCO. I've taken shits bigger than this dog. However, what the little fucker lacks in size it makes up with in screaming at 4 in the morning. Let me emphasize the word scream. Anyone know how to kill something and make it look like an accident? Nick?
Unemployment has given me a lot of time to think. About what I want to do in life and the kinds of people I want to be around, and it has forced me to think a lot about someone who is still a small part of my life, but no where near the realm of importance that he used to have. I miss meeting men who challenge me, who can put me in my place in a conversation about sports or politics or music or history, or ANYTHING. That was the one great thing about Will. For all of his insensitive tactics, he was my intellectual equal, and I don't mean to get all snobbish here, but I have yet to meet a single guy down here who can even hold a candle to his brain. I wonder a lot if I'll ever fall in love again, because really, my standards are ridiculous. I lose interest easily, and if I have to explain to you who Hunter S. Thompson is, I'll already be spending the rest of the date staring at the TV over your head while you ramble on about the weather, the Yankees, or the fact you'd never even heard of Cory Lidle until he went down in a firey ball of glory over Manhattan. Sure lack of brains can be compensated for in a number of ways. Huge penis, bottomless bank account, but there's no doubt that I will lose interest if you can't put me in my place. I was told recently that I'm "intimidating" because of my abilities to make anyone look like a moron. I actually like that, because it weeds out the meatheads. But it doesn't make it any easier when it weeds out everyone. I enjoy being around people who make ME feel stupid, because they are amazing to learn from. Perhaps that's another reason I find myself gravitating back towards newspaper jobs.
See, I told you I couldn't write anymore...