Hello pumpkin's,
So i've been writing some stuff on here.
And showing you some bands... and other stuff.
But now. My real idol is Fierce.
His name is Jeffree Star.
Why is that fag my idol?
He is who he is, he will never fake anything. He's just outing himself to the rest of the world.
He haves pink hair, but he wont say like: Oh, damn, maybe people would stare!
Staring is one off the most positive things that happened to me. The word is just telling you that you've been seen.
I know some people see this totaly diffrent. But i could care less.
Also he's my idol because he's gay, and he's very open about it. i mean, look at him, that guy couldn't be straight in any kinda way.
And i want to be like that too.. but i can't cuz i'm a chicken.
Enjoy his lovely music here ->
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhvq45R_JyE&feature=related or don't <3
So me being colorful might sound weird looking to my livejournal.
(it's kinda black)
but i'm acctualy totaly in to color, i love rave and rainbow.
It's a part of me. Even if i wear really colorful stuff, people still call me emo.
(For example: i have 3 friends, with wich i form something called. "Peking Café". We go out, do fun things like going to the fair and we take.. A lot of photo's. But yeah, we have this blog thing on a site called 'netlog' and we have a poll on there: Annelies is mostly: * weird *an emo kid *genius *creative. the most votes go to An Emo Kid.)