Yay, we're moving.
Well . . . in May. We found a two bedroom apartment that we really like. My favorite feature . . . a Washer and Dryer in the unit!!!
We've needed more room for a while now. Currently, we have computers and computer desks in our dining room instead of a table. That makes it kind of hard to entertain, or eat dinner like a normal couple.
The extra bedroom will be an Office/Library/Sewing room.
It has a really nice open kitchen layout.
It's a place called Eagle's Ridge at the edge of Battle Creek. It's actually Springfield I believe. It's right by the Air Force National Guard/Fort Custer. It's by another apartment complex, but still out in the woods enough to make it feel woodsy and even more "out in the country" than our current apartment. There is a really nice park, kiddi-korner from the apartments, and right next to it is a brand new Farmer's Market. I'm looking forward to taking walks in the park and getting fresh produce from the Market. Eagle's Ridge also has a really nice fitness center that I plan on taking advantage of. (I will fit into the bathing suit I bought last year.)
So, Josh bought Buddy the smallest collar he could find today . . . it fits around his middle after he's eaten his fill. (that means it's at least double the size of his neck)
The Kitchen (of the apartment across the hall from ours)
The Living Room (I'm standing in the kitchen/dining area)
This is Buddy the other day. We let him wander the apartment now, and he knows he sleeps in the bedroom, so he decided it was bedtime and fell asleep at the door. (the door was shut so we didn't lose him under the bed)