So... mama told me that my cousin is released tomorrow from the hospital... she's under a lot of medicines and probably that'll continue for a while...
I don't know why I am posting so much lately... It's not like my life is cool and fun and all that stuff >.< but still this month alone I posted more than I've posted all year this far >.<
Welcome back
ayame_kazutaka, sweetheart ^.^ I'm still waiting for the pictures of your travel =P
I'm downloading xxxHolic, both the manga and the anime... I don't have to say that I'm adoring it... and I loved the little Gohou Drug/Legal Drug crossover they made =x and I actually love Doumeki... *.*
ETA: so, I've been reading this fic,
Heroes, and the love/hate friendship between Dean and Caleb left me craving for some Caleb/Dean love/hate slash... Is there some fic of this kind?? and if not, why not?? and... anyone willing to write something like this?? o.o