
Sep 10, 2004 09:45

Being that this is my first time using this journal I feel that I should comment on something everyone has to deal with....(and if you don't you are probably really wealthy or something and you don't need to work anyway, but then again you most likely wouldn't be reading this.....Well, anyway). How many times has it ever happened, that you set your alarm before bed and then the next thing you know you are being woken up by some force, internal clock, or whatever you want to call it. All you know is that in the instant your eyes and hearing focus you know something is wrong. You feel like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. (I must say that anyone who takes a while to get ready, like me, will be quite surprised at how within a matter of a couple minutes you can get dressed and bolt out the door when this blasted invention called an alarm clock decides to screw with your mind). Oh, and it does just that, it screws with your mind! Sometimes I think there might be alarm sprites that decide it would be hilarious to change an A.M. setting to P.M. because I could swear that I set it correctly. And using that as an excuse, forget it! If you even so much as mention the words alarm clock, or didn't go off, you get the look of Septor and automatically you feel like you are in third grade trying to make the big bad teacher believe you when you said your dog ate your homework....(oh and it has happened, in like third grade to me...but I brought whatever pieces were left). Is there a solution to this chaos? Most likely no, and I guess with whatever new technology that comes out will always have a glitch. All one can do is try and be as cautious as possible until it happens again...And you know you will!
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