Aug 07, 2004 13:08
damn...ive been guys.
well im all better now thanx to a special someone who listened to all my problems and slapped me with the truth. thanx, it helped me alot.
im talking to marlin now.
sergio came to my house yesterday and begged me again to go back but I CANT. its immoral.
i got a new bra at gap! and want some underies too ut i have no
i feel horrible for alicia. mwah! i wish damn her parents werent so . blah
i WANT the ashllee simpson cd soo bad.
damn i didnt go to dexs hotel party. i regret it soo much but its okay bc im goin to a 15 today, i wan to take someoen but i already am takin my sis and i only can take 2 ppl.
wish me luck in this hell of a shit hole im in.