fandom_stocking sign-up is done! Whee! The sign-up post is
here in case anyone wants to participate.
- For the write-in I have now one vote for the first weekend in january and one for the last weekend. Someone please cast the deciding vote! Or is there enough interest to do both? I'd be willing but I need to know, folks!
- Holiday cards: Are actually happening it seems! As I wasn't sure if I'd make it I didn't put up the yearly card post. If you've indicated in the past that you want one and I have your address you will get one anyway! (I'm shameless like that =)
Sadly, due to the time constraints in the summer no fannish/self-made ones though. Next year again, hopefully. I do have the ideas already!
Due to the TOS change on LJ, my LJ is left on Crosspost only. Please comment on the Dreamwidth entry