Someone utterly failed to tell me that
Robert Wisdom was in S4 of Supernatural.
Supernatural's icky race and gender issues squick me the fuck out to the point where I can't ignore it, but there are in fact some actors for whom I'm willing to override that squick.
Like the awesome Robert Wisdom aka, the super-awesome
Bunny Colvin from
The Wire.
I love Bunny Colvin leik whoah! And I really love Robert Wisdom.
I would so endure Supernatural for Robert Wisdom. And there are only a few actors for whom I'd cross that line.
Aw, hell. I'd cross that line for just about entire cast of my beloved The Wire.
Do you know how I found out? Do you?
Someone on my FList (I forget who) was threatening to write a The Wire/Supernatural crossover about how Bunny Colvin ended up hosting Uriel.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, re: The awesomeness of Robert Wisdom and his portrayal of Bunny Colvin:
Bunny Colvin's famous "there's never been a paper bag" speech from The Wire S3:
Click to view
And here's Bunny Colvin in S4 explaining why education doesn't work for the corner kids:
Click to view
Damn it, damn it, damn it! I'm going to have to Netflix Supernatural S4, aren't I? Just so I can watch Robert Wisdom do his thing.
Bah! I'll put up with the icky race and gender issues just to catch Robert Wisdom on Supernatural.
Damn it.