I love that Quark's holosuites are brothels, considering that Roddenberry suggested such a thing when the holodecks were invented for Next Gen - but it was never used that way. Well, maybe that's the way Geordi was getting any action... I mean, he did recreate Leah Brahms on one, didn't he?
Poor Geordi. The man never got any. He either fell for holographic/completely unavailable women, or the women he fell for got stationed somewhere else and he never saw them again. No luck, man. No luck.
I think one of the first uses of a holodeck in Next gen had brothely overtures. Remember the ep where aliens took control of Enterprise and they loaded a holo girlfriend to distract the Captain and Riker? They were definetely heading for some loving... and I'm still grossed out that they both wanted to hit it with a hard light hologram.
I can't say I do remember that exactly, no. But I'm not surprised. From memory, Roddenberry had suggested that by this time in humanity's future that the physical act of sex was freely available - suggesting that this was one of the major functions of a holodeck.
Well, and there was that whole sub-storyline with Barclay using the holodecks to create a version of Deanna Troi who was nuts over him. I'm not sure Barclay would've gone that far with it, but he easily could have.
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