Title: The Last Tin Soldier
Author: Lizbeth Marcs
Rating: PG (Language)
Genre: Gen, road trip
Characters: Spike, Alex Hill (OC-ish), Ensemble
Pairing: None
Warnings: Spoilers for all of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. All related comics are cheerfully and willfully ignored.
Notes: Written for the
lynnevitational Summary: Alex Hill is an ordinary man with an
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Comments 66
Glad you took a chance on the story. I honestly don't write much by way of ship stuff (either het or slash). I'm mostly a gen writer.
Dammit, Liz, you've got me reading Buffy!fic again -- and GEN, no less! So, where's the rest? :)
As for the rest...one part a day. ^_^ I just have to get the last three parts off to the betas for a read over, but the first 4 parts are already cued up and ready to go.
As for why it didn't disolve, what bastardsnow said. Ms. Smythe didn't give Alex his book, so Alex never read the trigger that would free Xander.
As for Xander, he's pretty much stuck and can only temporarily get out under limited circumstances. (The above situation is one such limited circumstance.) Without the trigger, he's pretty much stuck.
I'm a bit confused by how the alligators & elephants phrase, which Spike obviously believed to be the trigger before it failed to work, relates to the books from Ms Smythe. Was Spike's phrase an *expired* trigger? Did each book contain a new trigger? If each book contained a new trigger, how come Alex never triggered Xander back when he tried to read it, and what was the point of Ms Smythe giving him the books?
Sorry to be so dense, but I just can't work out how it all fits. Love the characterizations though, and experiencing this story through Alex's POV.
He’s got all the planning skills of Wile E. Coyote, I swear to God.
Is funny because (a) It's such a Xander thing to think, and (b) because it's true.
It's rare I feel for Spike, but in this case I really, really feel for Spike.
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