Music from the Cube: What Am I Listening To Today?

Dec 19, 2006 11:54

Ahhhh, 'tis the season for everyone. So Happy Holidays - whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating - to one and all of you.

As for me, I've decided to go with the scientifically accurate Winter Solstice. Here, for everyone to enjoy, is my early Winter Solstice present: the lovely voice and song-writing artistry of Shawn Colvin, with a bonus ( Read more... )

music: music from the cube, music: download, music: review

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huzzlewhat December 19 2006, 18:36:48 UTC
Ah, you've hit one of my favorite-ever singers. I adore Shawn Colvin, and own everything she ever recorded (except for that EP... hmmm....) I saw her play live when I was in college, and instead of playing in the concert hall, she played in our main student hall - a place with high ceilings and marble floors and simply amazing accoustics. It was just her and her guitar, and I still remember the way her voice just rang in that place on "Shotgun..." It still gives me chills when I listen to that song today, like I'm not listening to the song itself, but past it, to the experience of hearing it for the first time.

The last time I saw SC play live, she was doing a double-bill with Mary Chapin Carpenter. Of course, I loved seeing them play together, but the highlight of the evening was SC doing a cover of The Beatles' "I'll Be Back," slowed way down and again, just her and her guitar. She completely reinvented that song and bested the original in a way that I didn't think possible (Beatles covers are up against an impossible standard in my head), and I have been lusting after a recorded version ever since.

She also did my favorite-ever album of holiday songs and lullabyes, which I listen to almost non-stop this time of year...


liz_marcs December 19 2006, 18:54:34 UTC
You know, you say that like there was any doubt there was a Colvin presence in my collection. *grins*

Seriously, though. Glad you can now get your paws on the Borders EP courtesy of moi. (The cheapest I saw it listed on Froogle and eBay was $9.00, so, download away!) I've seen her once live, but I've seen her via West 54th, too. She really is fantastic in concert.

Sorry I can't help you with the Beatles cover (I got nothing), but at least you got Colvin/Carpenter doing 'Come On, Come On' for this download (You'll definitely like the Columbia CD I included in the overview. There's six tracks (3 intros and 3 tunes) that are Colvin-centric out of the total of 25.


abbylee December 19 2006, 21:17:54 UTC
Could that be listed as "I'll Be Back Again" on a set list? I'm absolutely horrible with song names. And lyrics. My old roommate was a singer-songwriter, and despite the fact that I'd hear her play all day long, I was always like "oh, play the song about Jon" or "play the song you wrote for that movie" or "play the song with the beat and the overlap" which is just never helpful.

(Can you see that without being registered?)


abbylee December 19 2006, 21:38:06 UTC
Probably would have helped if I had replied to you and not to liz when I asked my question.

I was curious as to whether or not I could find this, and I did.

Since it was just the one, and registration is required to torrent from the site, I grabbed it for you. I can upload it in the flac format that it comes in or convert it to wav/mp3 depending on your preferences. None of it will take very long. Let me know :)

I highly recommend checking out dimeadozen anyway, they've got a great selection of live recordings available. They don't allow anything that's available commercially, but they don't restrict to trade-friendly bands either, which means there's a selection of stealth recordings that you can't find at the Live Music Archive and


abbylee December 19 2006, 21:38:52 UTC
(Urgh, and apparently I did reply to you the first time and just can't read.)


huzzlewhat December 20 2006, 04:14:35 UTC
Oh my goodness, you are my new favorite person in the universe! Seriously! MP3 would be brilliant (although I'm pretty sure I can take a wav. I am truly ignorant in the ways of audio files - all I know is that my computer nicely hums along and translates pretty much anything. I'm so ashamed...).

Anyway. You are completely brilliant, and I love you. ;-) And I'll definitely check out dimeadozen. Great resource!


abbylee December 20 2006, 04:29:29 UTC
Your computer will absolutely play a wav, but if you don't mind the quality of an mp3, that's probably the best one to take. But if you're not comfortable with that, you might find dimeadozen too complicated.

Here's the mp3 file of Shawn Colvin covering The Beatles.

(And anyone else who's reading this thread, I put it on mediafire so that there are unlimited downloads. Just take. But let me know if I screwed something up.)


huzzlewhat December 20 2006, 04:57:31 UTC
That's it! It's gorgeous. Thank you so much!


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