Research, research, research...

Dec 27, 2005 09:17

Note: My Africander Soundtrack is still available for download.

On ludditerobot's rec, I've been watching National Geographic's Africa from 2001. (Thank you, Netflix!)

The immediate thought that jumps out at me: Were the Angel writers high when they tossed out the bon mot that Xander was in Africa in 'Damage'? The Sahara alone is the size of the United ( Read more... )

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skipp_of_ark December 28 2005, 04:30:14 UTC
Gotta chime in here with my observation that ever since Damage aired, it's been a fanon assumption that Xander was assigned to Africa on a semi-permanent to permanent basis and/or that he's essentially going to be there for years, if not the rest of his life.

Who's our source? Andrew, who also says that Willow is supposed to be in one city in Brazil but always seems to be in Rio whenever there's a conference call. Yet later that season, in either AHITW or Shells, Angel is shown calling Giles in an effort to get in contact with Willow in order to help Fred, only to be told that she's doing some astral projection or something in Tibet or Nepal, I don't remember which.

Heck, even in that godawful Queen of the Slayers novel, Xander's visit to Africa is brief and is specifically about one particular mission, and when he returns he's not going back.

Point being, while inspired by a throwaway comment in canon, the "Xander is permanently assigned to the whole continent of Africa" thing remains a construct of fanon. For all we know, Joss'll end up "Jossing" it all if/when he gets that "Eight Season of BtVS" comic book up and running by saying it was only a working vacation for him.


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