This 'n that...

Dec 23, 2005 10:40

Item the First: Happy Holidays

I am not about to list all the holidays happening around this time. My head will go all 'splody and I'm sneaking this post in from work. So, to all all of you, have a most excellent holiday season. I will be a little on the incommunicado side since I'll be wholly focused on finishing my Africander fic-a-thons.

Item the Second: Fan Fiction

I am distracted by the shiny Afircander fic-a-thon (I think it's the allure of just doing something a little different) and am flying through my first story (just north of Djenne, Mali; it's like the perfect place). I'm surprisingly already almost half-done. It'll probably come out at a little over 100 pages. Scary thing: I'm halfway through and Xander has not even shown up yet. He hangs over the story like a presence, but the man himself is not physically present. Interesting. As soon as I finish the Africander fic-a-thon, I will be back to Water Hold Me Down. I think I desperately needed a break from it since I've been obsessively working on the Africander stories.

Item the Third: Pimping the Africander Fic-a-Thon

Once more, I'm throwing a pimp out there for ludditerobot's Scatterlings and Orphanages: Africander Fiction Challenge. He still wants to adopt out the final 9 countries to make it a complete continent. In addition, jgracio is making a special plea for someone to tackle Guinea-Bissau and this delicate subject. I usually don't pass on requests, but I think his request is not only reasonable, but should be applauded. I'll be honest, it never crossed my mind to even write about it, so, please, someone take the time to check out his request and consider taking it on.

Item the Fourth: Pimping a Wondrous Soundtrack

bellatemple has created a marvelous 26-song soundtrack called There and Back Again. I'm not clear if it's fandom-related, but it definitely has that traveling to new and exotic places feel to it. Go. Visit. Download. Leave her a little love.
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