Title: Getting Married Today
on AO3Pairing: Kurt/Blaine (Glee)
Rating: a fairly soft PG-13
Words: ~12k
Much to my chagrin, LiveJournal refused to post this many words, so please
go read it on AO3, but I sure would love it if you left comments there or here!
Summary: He can feel his whole body start to vibrate, and before he knows it, he’s kicking his legs and swinging his arms and giggling and yelling to absolutely no one, or maybe to the entirety of New York City.
“We’re getting married today!”
Notes: This story came about because
flaming_muse and
tchrgleek and buckeyegrrl and I were
drowning in feelings about a Klaine wedding and traditions and Burt Hummel and then this happened.
It’s a big fluffy ball of fluff, especially for those of us who are Team You’re-Really-Too-Young-To-Get-Engaged, which is in no way mutually exclusive of Team I-Would-Sell-My-Left-Arm-To-See-A-Klaine-Wedding. This is set in the medium-distance future, let’s say around early Spring 2018.
Boatloads of gratitude and a platter of cookies to
flaming_muse for her constant cheerleading and unbelievably thoughtful beta work.
Spoilers: None after 4x22. And, frankly, I’m mostly pretending that “All or Nothing” never happened. Definitely none for Season 5, though I will warn that I do mention the (fairly non-specific) loss of Finn.
I am spoiler-free for the upcoming season, SERIOUSLY please help me keep it that way! Obviously after “All or Nothing” I’m sure that something is likely to happen, but please, NO SPOILERS for unaired episodes. Don’t make me cry.